Chapter 20

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All of Vongola's allies had a meeting as soon as they got Tsuna's message.

"Are you playing jokes on us, Byakuran?" Enma glared at the said person.

"Oh come on, I am even surprised that she is alive in that parallel world. That world's Hibari Rika is still alive yet both of them are weak. It's like both of them are supporting each other." Byakuran explained.

Tsuna was still deep in thought as he looked at the item that Honoka left when her body disappeared.

"Why is it that the parallel world 'you' was not even able to sense it right away?" Gamma monotonically stated. Byakuran shrugged.

"Byakuran, how is she?" Arisu asks for hope that she is safe.

"The other 'me' has not yet seen her. He is still on his way to the Vongola mansion. That world's Tsunayoshi has his classmates and the pest teacher are there for the inheritance ceremony."

"Wait, we didn't even invite our classmates to this world's inheritance ceremony." Gokudera spatted.

"It's a parallel world, nothing is the same. Even in other worlds, she is not the sister of Hibari Kyouya. She may be a half-sister, cousin or a twin or just an ally of Vongola that went in hiding like the Shimons. But from what I have tried to check other parallel worlds, she is always a victim of the same enemy. I was able to warn the other 'me' on the other world except for the current one she is in as she was able to live with the Hibari's with no problems." Byakuran explained further.

"Is her memories of the kidnapping still intact?" Tsuna spoke for the first time.

Byakuran blinked owlishly. "No.. It was said that when she woke up from the hospital, she does not remember anything, including the Hibari's. But that is the same thing that happened to the other worlds' Hibari Rika."

"It could be because of her sealed flames. And the only possible thing right now, the seal was either broken or was taken off in which the other 'you' could sense her." Tsuna deduced.

"But how could two entities live in the same world without having the problem we had for 'Ghost'." Dino was able to ask the thing that he had on his mind.

"That I haven't figured out yet." Byakuran threw a fit as he was irritated to have no answer.

"Why is it taking a long time for the other you to go to the Vongola's Mansion?" Hibari glared at him as he was getting impatient.

"Mou! The other me is currently banned from using wings!"

"Probably, because of your idiocy." Gamma tried to control himself from strangling him.

"I second that." Arisu and Carlos said at the same time.

Meanwhile back to where the teens are. They have laid both unconscious bodies in Tsuna's room. Tsuna had to ask the maids to clean the other Miwa, whose clothes were full of blood and dirt. She was now dressed with some spare clothes from Bianchi. They were surprised that she suddenly appeared after Tsuna unsealed the flames.

"Unbelievable." Arisu said as soon as she sat down on the nearest chair beside the bed.

"Are you sure Onii-sama that it's not Okaa-sama?" Kizuna asked his brother again for the nth time, still uneasy on the two look-alike.

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