Chapter 22

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Honoka was on the balcony of Rika's room. She refused to move to a different room. She didn't mention that if they were separated that far, it would cause a toll on her body in just transferring the flames to the younger Rika.

She sat at the railings and looked at the sky.

What the heck am I feeling? She rubbed her arms and shoulder.

"Might as well roam around for a while." She muttered and then hopped to the floor and started her journey around the mansion.

She roamed the hallways. She had thought that there was no difference in her world and this world.

She stopped at the room wherein the portraits of bosses with guardians of different generations were posted.

"Come to think of it, I never had the chance to look at these." She said as she walked on the first portrait. The ninth generation.

Seems like this world has yet to post the tenth generation's portrait. She smiled.

She continued on walking from generations' to generations' portraits. Until she arrived in the First generation.

Hmmmmm.... They really looked like carbon copies except for the hair color. She mused.

She stopped to where the first cloud guardian's portrait is. She admired the portrait in front of her.

"He really does look like Onii-sama." She whispered. She slowly sat on the floor and cupped her face as she wondered.

"I wonder if they have a portrait of Claudio-san here." It's really hard to imagine a smiling Alaude. She shivered as she tried to picture it out and failed.

Honoka just felt a presence and knew it was from Reborn who just arrived in the same room as hers.

"Is there something you need, Reborn-san?" She asked, not looking back at him.

Reborn did not answer right away as he walked towards where she was sitting.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping at this hour?" Reborn leaned on the wall support and Honoka looked at him curiously as to why he asked that question.

"Giving out flames is somehow similar to the Sky Arcobaleno." He answered Honoka's unvoiced question. Honoka decided not to question why he was um... worried? She mentally shook her head as it is unusual for Reborn to be worried.

"Can't sleep anyway." Honoka shrugged. "I feel so irritated." She muttered as she rubbed her arms.

"Well, you are an active sky. You would need to feel your bonds." Why do I feel like he is lecturing me? Honoka sweatdropped.

"Sky Priestess, huh?"

"Never even thought that I was one even when Tsuna took me in. They had figured it out halfway through for me since I had no memories of the past." Honoka smiled at the memory.

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