Chapter 24

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Honoka buried her face in the bed. She was so stressed at the breakfast 'war'. In the end, she was not able to eat as she doesn't want to waste any energy especially she needs to conserve her strength in case of emergency.

"Can't they calm down just that moment?" She grumbled.

She ignored the knock on the door and continued sulking on the bed.

"I'm soooooooooooooooooo hungry." She cried on the pillow. "I want to have a peaceful meal!"

The knocking of the door continued. She gave in and stood to answer the person who was at the other side.

"Coming." She sluggishly answered.

When she opened the door she froze, her eyes went wide and stood up straight. Fon was standing on the door.

"I-I-I'm sorry I didn't open it right away." She bowed to apologise.

"No need to apologise. I kinda feel you are tired with the chaos downstairs." He smiled fondly.

"Tsunayoshi already took care of them when I arrived. He asked me to take this." He gestured to the trolley of breakfast.

"Oh..." That was thoughtful of him. She thought but she doesn't want any details on how he dealt with everyone.

"Oh where are my manners? Please do come in. I'll take it inside." She frantically waved and pushed the trolley inside. Fon held back his laugh when he saw her flustered.

"Um, would you like to join me?" Honoka hesitantly asked.

"I'll just have the tea." Fon stated.


Honoka prepared the tea that was included on the trolley. Why is everything here? She mentally shrugged right away as it might have been Tsuna's doing.

Fon sat on the chair while waiting for Honoka to finish preparing tea.

"Here you go."


Honoka sat on the opposite side. She gave her respects to the food and started digging in.

"Are you able to finish everything?" Fon said as he noticed that there is a lot of food displayed on the table. He never questioned why there was a lot of food on the trolley when Tsuna asked him to take it.

"I think so... I mean, I badly need food. It's like replenishing the flames that I lost. I don't even know why it works that way." Honoka shrugged as she ate.

"I see." Fon sipped his tea. He looked at his niece that was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

"I suppose you had heard everything from Sawada-san." Honoka spoke.

"Sawada-san?" Fon was confused about the way she called Tsuna.

"It's my way to separate things from my world and this world." She explained and Fon nodded in acknowledgement.

"It's a little weird to talk to you Fon-san." She blurted.

"Is it because I am also your uncle in your world?" He carefully asked.

"Not that.. Or maybe... Honestly, I was not even able to speak with you that much, I mean my real uncle since I have no memories at that time and we are at war." She explained.

"That would explain why... but no need to be reserved towards me. You may be from a different world, you are still my niece." Fon gave a reassuring smile.

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