Chapter 19

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"So let me get this straight. You had lost your memories when you were young. Your real name is Hibari Rika and you have been using a false name all this time. And your family agreed to it as someone was still after you yet you didn't know about it until you had reconciled with your brother."

"That summarizes everything." Miwa ducked her head, stressed out.

"I have always thought it was weird for you to live alone in Tokyo without a guardian but you were known as an independent woman when I approached you and kicked our senpais butts." Arisu had leaned on the bench as she reminisced about the thing that had happened when they were 1st graders. Miwa had to fight the 4th graders for attempting to bully her. They were in the garden as that was the only peaceful place aside from the meeting area. Most of the students, including Nezu are still with Lal and Fon with the tor-tutoring.



"What's between you and the Decimo?" Arisu bluntly asked Miwa

"Between us?" She tilted her head in confusion.

I can't believe you are this dense. You have my sympathies, Decimo. Arisu twitched.

"Nevermind. Anyway, is your head hurting you now?" She looked at her best friend in worry.

"You worry too much." She smiled. "I'm more worried about you. You said your Dad just died and you are now taking care of your famiglia. Are you not having problems at all?" She looked at Arisu.

Arisu looked at the sky. "Not gonna lie to you. It was pure pressure in this 'world' that I had almost given up. I was thankful for Carlos for being there with me in every meeting. He is the only person that I can trust."

"That's reassuring to know." Miwa was glad that her best friend had someone to be there.

"But would you even consider making allies with Vongola even without knowing that I am part of it." Miwa was curious.

"I only visited to observe and..." Arisu blushed. This made Miwa more curious.

"....r..... Guar......" She mumbled.

"I'm sorry what?"

"I wanna know the boss of Vongola's rain guardian." Arisu flushed more.

"Yamamoto-san?" Miwa furrowed her brows, wondering why she was interested in him.

"W-w-well... Let's just say that, I happened to pass by on one of his missions and the enemy that he was attacking had targeted me.I was caught on the crossfire and he saved me despite knowing me as a boss of another famiglia. And he acted like I'm not a boss, not like I'm bothered at all. And I kinda fell for his a..tti..tude..." Arisu's face looked like she wanted to faint in embarrassment after she ranted.

"Heh~ So you wanted to know if Vongola's next boss would be a terror one before you pursue the love of your lif---."

"Don't say it so bluntly!" Arisu covered Miwa's mouth out of embarrassment.

Miwa removed Arisu's hands. "Well, it's not that bad. I mean, you are in love and I am sure Yamamoto-san is not a problem. On the other hand..." Miwa took a glance at Carlos who knew nothing about their conversation as he was far away from them. Carlos tilted his head in question why Miwa had looked at him. Miwa just sighed.

"Does he even know?" Miwa pointed to Carlos.

"He does. He even forced me to confess. He is oh so supportive. I just remembered what he said..." Arisu facepalmed.

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