Chapter 4

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Tsuna was aware that during lunch time she would disappear. No one was able to know where she was and then would come back without care in the world. An introvert if he must say. His plan today was to invite her on lunch yet today she called in sick. From what he remembered last night, she went straight home.

He sighed for the nth time on their lunch break.

"What's wrong, Tsuna-kun?" Tsuna was startled with Kyoko's question.

"Don't dodge the question Monkey." Hana immediately added.

"You! Respect Juudaime!" Hana ignored the rant of Gokudera which he gave her a sneer.

"We're curious though. You have been acting kinda weird since this morning. Is something wrong?" Yamamoto sincerely asked him.

"I knew it. It has to be that woman right?" Gokudera stood up and prepared to look for the person.

"Hayato." Tsuna gave a stern look and Gokudera sat like a tamed puppy.

"Oh, is this about Miwa-san?" Kyoko tilted her head.

"Who extremely is this Miwa? Can she join the boxing club?" Ryohei beamed while eating. Kyoko scolded him for eating while talking.

"Nothing to be worried about. She is not a bad person yet she doesn't like to mingle with anyone. She is safe. And no Onii-san, she can't." Tsuna explained.

"We could just ignore her Juudaime." Gokudera suggested.

"Maaa maa... She might be lonely as she is always alone." Yamamoto said.

"True though. I never saw her interact with any of our classmates." Kyoko blurted her thoughts.

"I'm quite sure she doesn't like to hangout with those useless monkeys." Hana wave her right hand when she remembered the first day the bullies attempted on her.

Tsuna quietly agreed on that statement when he observed Miwa.

"Reborn, do you know her address?" All of his friends were confused why he suddenly called Reborn's name until the said person gracefully stepped down from the fence.

"I have it. You're visiting her and that's an order. I already made some arrangements to have her homework delivered to her house." Reborn smirked.

"Juudaime. I'm going with you." Gokudera presented himself.

"Sounds fun. Let me join!" Yamamoto chirped.

"I can go with you boss." Chrome finally spoke as she presented herself also.

"I'm going there alone. I'll be fine. And besides, didn't you guys tell me that you have something to do after school?" Said Tsuna.

"Hahaha, I forgot." Yamamoto scratched his head.

"But Juudaime, what if something happens on the way? I am not there to protect you."

"I will be fine. I have my intuition." He assured his right hand man.

"Are you sure, Juudaime?" Gokudera furrowed his brows in concern.

"I am sure." He smiled at him. Gokudera slumped on his back on the fence, defeated. Yamamoto attempted to cheer him up, well it ended up as an argument instead and Ryohei joined in the fight. Tsuna gave up in stopping them and just let them be. Until Hibari snapped where he was sleeping.

"You guys, for causing noise pollution, I will bite you to death!" All of them ran away from the blood-thirsty Skylark.

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