Chapter 13

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"Urgh.." Miwa gripped her head while walking towards the door of her house. She knows Tsuna and the others are already outside but she was walking slowly. She was dragging her luggage and her backpack which was not even heavy. Today was their trip to Italy. She made sure this time her wig would have clips so that her classmates would not notice.

"I slept through the pain yesterday already. Why won't you disappear?! Stupid headache." She cursed.

When she opened the door, she was right. Tsuna and the others have already arrived. They have their things already with them.

"Ah, Miwa-san go-- Are you okay?!" He exclaimed as he saw the dreadful look on her.

"Woman, you look like you are about to pass out." Gokudera deadpanned.

"Gee, Gokudera-san. Thank you for stating the obvious. Should I reward you for that?" She rolled her eyes.

"Seems like you can still say some sarcastic stuff so it means you are fine." He replied back but he seems more worried than earlier.

"But truthfully though you look so pale. Are you really okay?" Yamamoto asked further.

"I will be fine. I'll sleep on the plane since it takes 15 hrs to go there."

Tsuna took his phone and texted someone in a hurry and placed his phone back in his pocket.

"Well let's go. Oh and here." Tsuna gave her aspirins. She took them right away to ease her pain.

Tsuna and the others were the last ones who arrived at the meeting area.

"Finally dame-tsuna arrived. We thought you would be the reason why we would miss the flight." One of the bullies sneered at him. Tsuna and Miwa ignored them but Gokudera and Yamamoto looked at the bully with a promising beating.

"Hahi! Tsuna-san. Hayato! Takeshi! Long time no see." A voice had startled them. They saw a familiar brown haired woman called them.

"Haru!" Both Tsuna and Takeshi exclaimed.

"We saw her on the way here. Haru-chan was invited since it was sponsored by Vongola." Kyoko explained.

"Oi, woman, you should have told me." Gokudera scolded her but got ignored.

"Hmpf, why should I? Since you have just ignored me on our last date and focused on restocking your dynamites." Haru explained, still mad at him.

"Hayato, that was harsh on Haru." Tsuna sighed.

"Wait, Gokudera-san. You had a girlfriend?" Miwa was puzzled. With a hot-tempered like him?

"What do you mean 'had'? I still have one." He sneered.

"It seems to me that it would be 'had' if you are going to ignore her." She retorted back.

"I second that." Kurokawa talked for the first time.

"Why you--"

"Tsuna-san. Is she the one Kyoko-chan mentioned? Kyouya-san's younger sister?" Haru interrupted.

"Oh, Sasagawa-san already mentioned me? Well, Nice to meet you. The name is Miwa Honoka but only a few know my real name Hibari Rika. Please call me by my false name."

"Hahi! I'm so sorry. My name's Miura Haru. Nice to meet you."

"It's fine. And just be careful next time." She shrugged.

"Dame-Tsuna I see you are acquainted with someone from Midori High School." Nezu had approached their group.

"Don't you know that this is exclusive only with our class. This is not a vacation. This is our field trip to Italy. It would be rude for us to bring someone who is not included. And as an elite, I cannot---"

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