Chapter 30

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"Ara Tsu-kun. Welcome back." Tsuna's mother greeted him as he entered the room.

"Thanks as always Kaa-san." Tsuna smiled at her even though he was tired of the day. He went on to the twins' crib, who were playing blocks,and kissed both of their foreheads.

"Did she?" Tsuna asked the same question. His mother shook her head.

It has been a month since they went back. Honoka has been sleeping since then. They all asked Byakuran to communicate with the parallel world Rika. They got a response that it was normal as the flames had adjusted to her body. Yuni even assured Tsuna that there was no problem in the future. All of them are just waiting to wake up.

Tsuna's mother had been massaging Honoka's muscles. She has been doing that ever since she came back. The reason was once she wakes up, she won't have any issues with her mobility. Sometimes, it was the girls who did it whenever they visited the twins.

"Ah, Kaa-san, let me do that instead." Tsuna said.

"It's okay. You are completely tired with all the work. And besides, I want to do it. I haven't done anything aside from taking care of my grandchildren and the maids are mostly doing the work." She said as she continued to massage her legs.

Tsuna sighed as he knew not to argue with his mother. He picked up the twins, who were asking for them to be lifted up. Both giggled as they were carried by their papa by both of his arms and Tsuna couldn't help but shower them with kisses. They giggled more. Tsuna was relieved that the twins are not burdened anymore but that just added to his worries for Honoka.

"Oh that reminds me, the twins' first birthday is next week. Any plans?"

"Well, knowing my guardians, they would definitely have a lavish party, and not to forget Kyouya would pamper them. Chrome decided to be the one in charge and I had agreed to it. Invitations were already sent out to all close families. Arisu would be here as she is the godmother of them. She will be here 3 days before the day. And so far the preparations were so good as Chrome reports." He explained.

"Oh really, I can't wait to cook food by that time." Nana's eyes shined when she said it.

"Kaa-san, we have maids. You can relax and spend time with Hoshiko and Yuzuki." He reminded his mother.

"Of course I want to spend time with the kids but I want to cook a feast as this is for them." Nana pouted on his son as she finished massaging Honoka.

"But Kaa-san---"

"I will cook whether you like it or not." She sternly said it.

"One day, our maids will lose their jobs." Tsuna sweatdropped.

The twins struggled on Tsuna as they wanted to get near to Honoka. "Alright alright. I will." He laughed.

Once the twins were down on the bed, they snuggled on their mother's arms. Tsuna sat down beside the bed and caressed her face.

"It's surprising they were able to recognize her when we arrived." Tsuna said softly.

"It is the bond of the parent, the same way you did when you were a baby." Nana reminiscence.

The door opened again and Hibari came in.

"Ara, Kyou-kun. I thought you would be back tomorrow." His mother remembered.

"They were weak herbivores. Finished the job easily." He responded and went to the twins to kiss their forehead. Both were happy to see as they clapped at their Uncle.

"And you left no damage?" Tsuna looked at him, waiting for him to respond, in which Hibari ignored.

"Again?! Kyouya, I had to file in paperworks for it, again." Tsuna exhaled tiringly.

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