Chapter 28

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"I think you already got why you received that item also, right?" The older Tsuna asked his counterpart.

"Sort of. But the question is how to have him attack full force using his flames?" He said.

"I have an idea. But this requires all of us to attack him all at once." The older one said as he evaded the attack from the enemy.

"Tsunayoshi~ we are now done. Well, mostly were done by the Hibari's." Byakuran approached the two Tsunas. They all looked at the damage given by the Hibari brother's. This world's Hibari Kyouya and Hibari Kizuna had their sky flames unlocked and it is dancing beside their main flames.

"Juudaime. Anything we could help?" Gokudera stated as he thought he was useless as he was unable to do anything.

"Kufufufu~ I am bored since Skylark took our prey." Chrome sighed on what Mukuro said.

"Hn. You are too slow." Both Hibari Kyouya said.

"And to think both of you sync..." Kizuna twitched on the similarity.

"This is really amusing." Reborn tilted his fedora in amusement.

"Well, we could need help on attacking the enemy until he unleashed his attacks." The older Tsuna mentioned.

"Well that could be done, right?" The older Byakuran had looked at his younger self to say the same thing.

"What are you brats muttering? Afraid that I would get the priestess from her room?" He smirked but unable to hear what their discussion was. It was as if he was not trained in hearing what they were talking in a small voice.

"Priestess from her room?" The older Tsuna was confused. "Honoka is here---"

"This world's nee-sama is resting in that room. And I am sure Fon oji-sama can handle whoever who you've sent there." Kizuna intervened.

"Even though that person has some of this flame?" This caused all of them to stiffen.

"Did you just think that I am alone with these people?" He laughed.

"You...." Enma glared at him with hateful eyes. Yuni looked at Honoka, confused why she was still calm.

"It's the old woman right?" Honoka confirmed, still having the calm look on her face.

"Of course it is her. Why am I not surprised that you knew?" He bowed down for 'respect' and slyly smiled.

"Then there's no problem at all." Honoka simply stated. All of the members of Vongola and its allies were confused on what she said.

"Looking so confident I see." This caused Patricio's smile to falter.

"Well, I somehow predicted that someone would be after Rika though the enemy is here. Even though you have given her the sky flames, it would still not work." She smiled.

"Honoka, what do you mean?" Yuni was more confused.

"Cause if she used the flames to attack the barrier I have created, it would automatically absorb and put it back to where the original owner was. It's one of the fundamentals in planning: Making sure you have back up. And besides, she doesn't even know how to fight anyway as she would always have bodyguards." Honoka smirked.

Tsuna, the one Honoka knew, burst in laughing. "I almost forgot that you are always ready whenever there is trouble, especially dealing with paperworks."

"Shut up, boss." She irritatingly said it.

And besides, if what Patricio said is true, then it would provide Rika more energy to regain consciousness. She thought.

"Your bloodline always causes us trouble. I should deal with you fir---." He was interrupted by the older Tsuna as he kicked him on his sides.

"Sorry, but you have to get through me first before laying a single hair to our priestess." Tsuna's eyes glowed in anger despite his calm demeanor.

All of the allies and members of Vongola kept on attacking Patricio as their plan was to anger him and unleashed his attacks. Reborn was somehow the only one enjoying while torturing the guy.

It was all of the sudden that Honoka blinked in surprise as she sensed something. She smiled when she had figured out. "That was fast." She commented.

"What is?" Enma dumbly asked while using gravity to evade the falling debris.

Honoka didn't respond as she looked at the opened door, waiting for someone to come in.

The first one to come in was Yamamoto and Ryohei carrying an unconscious old lady.

Next was Fon who was assisting someone to walk.

All of them were surprised that this world's Hibari Rika was now conscious.

"Nee-sama..." Kizuna beamed as he saw his sister now awake.

"I'm sorry for the long wait and for the worries." She smiled apologetically and bowed to them.

"Nah. Not your fault anyway. So why's the old lady pass out?" Honoka already knew the answer but she still asked.

"She used up all the flames to attack on us but the barrier kept on absorbing the flame until she had finally lost it. Rika told me it was your idea." Fon explained while walking. "Honestly, I am not quite sure if I were to be amused or to pity her."

"We were surprised that someone this old was trashing in front of them. But we didn't do anything as Fon told us not to interfere. We couldn't leave her alone as she might cause another rampage once she wakes up." Yamamoto further explained.

"Better be prepared than never." She smirked. "Did you fill in Fon-san about the situation?" she continued.

"Yes. I've grasped some info but it is a bit surprising to see another Kyouya here." Fon commented as he saw them fight.

"You brat! I knew she was useless but I have never thought that she was that useless." Patricio cursed.

He lashed out his flames to where Rika was. Yamamoto let go and passed the old lady to Ryohei and slashed the flames.

"I've had enough of your games." He pulled out his rapier and placed all his flames. "I'm going to end this." He charged forward where Rika was, but got interjected by the Two bosses.

"As if we would allow you." The younger Tsuna stated.

"OUT OF MY WAY YOU BRATS!!!!" He bursted out more flames on his rapier.

It's time! Both Tsuna went on stance.

"Zero Point Breakthrough Custom"

The pendant of the necklace glows as they absorb the flames that taken out from Patricio.


Everyone looked at the crazy flames that were taken out from him. Both Tsunas were gritting their teeth when they got the flames.

Come on....

Hurry up and fill this damn necklace already....

With a final scream from the enemy, a white light shone and died out right away. Patricio was finally down.



Yeah, I know it is short. I am so sorry, I don't know how to write fight scenes. The fact I have the image in my head, I just can't put it into words.

Last 2 chapters left and Epilogue...

Thanks for reading.

Stay safe and love lots 😘💕❤️❤️❤️❤️

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