Chapter 29

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"Finally, it's done." The older Tsuna extinguished his flames.

Honoka slides down on the floor. She released a quivering breath, finally relieved that it's over. Yuni moved towards her and hugged her. Enma smiled at the interaction.

"Nee-sama!" Kizuna lunges to hug his sister. Rika stumbled a little.

"Kizuna, my body is still recovering. Please be careful." She scolded him a little but hugged him back.

Honoka stood up and walked where Rika is.

"You're pale." Rika commented.

"Like you are any different." Honoka snorted.

Gokudera started on tying all the enemies with the help of Yamamoto. All of them are hurdled in front of the enemy.

It was then their 'grandmother' woke up.

"What? Where am I?" She panicked.

"Yoh. Old Lady. Still breathing I see." Honoka commented.

"That was quite rude Honoka." Rika giggled, yet all of them can feel that it was a bit cold.

"YOU! How are you alive?!" She screamed at Honoka. "I made sure I have killed you at that time."

All of the people in the room gave an angry vibe. Especially the Hibari's.

"Well, it is my first time meeting you in this world. And honestly, not very nice to meet you." Honoka rolled her eyes. She knew that she was mistaken as their mother. I guess her eyes is deteriorating.

"First time..?" she trailed.

"No need to explain to you anything. You'll be living with Vindice anyway." Rika explained with a smile.

"And they were just informed so they are on their way." Honoka added.

"So you can say goodbye to spending the fortune that you stole from Hibari's," Rika finished.

"Nee~" Both Honoka and Rika nodded at each other. Everyone except the Hibari's, Mukuro and Reborn, shivered on the expression that the two made. Smiling yet it was so cold.

"This is why I don't want to get on bad side of Honoka." Tsuna whispered to his other self.

"No kidding."

They look like a villainess. They both thought.

"Vindice?! No I didn't agree with this. This is not part of the deal." She yelled at the unconscious Patricio as she struggled.

They felt a familiar eerie aura and Vindice appeared.

"Vongola Decimo. I was informed about the situation. We'll take it from here." Jaeger spoke.

The younger Tsuna nodded.

"No! No! You can't do this to me! I didn't ask for this!" She screamed until the portal closed.

"Now that it is done. We need to settle for you guys to go back to your world." Rika turned to Honoka and the others.

"One thing. What to do with these?" The older Tsuna asked as he pointed to the necklace.

"I will be taking this world's Decimo while Honoka can take yours."

"Huh? I thought they're yours?" Honoka asked.

"They were but you when you go back you would need to have a lot of flames to fix the balance of Tri-ni-sette. In which I am giving it to you. Think of it as a thank you gift for giving me your flames all this time to make me survive." Rika explained.

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