Chapter 17

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It was day 3 of their trip in Italy and Tsuna was at his office taking care of his hellish paperworks. Well, him and all of his friends are excused on all other activities that his classmates have for that day.

"And I thought I have already finished everything." Tsuna murmured.

A knock was heard.

Tsuna sighed. "Come in." Tsuna continued on signing his paperworks without looking who came in. "If it's paperworks, leave it on that table." Tsuna used his free hand to point the table on his left.

"Why would I bring paperworks?"

Tsuna stopped signing as he recognized the voice.

"Miwa-san? What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for something to do since I am excused about doing those ..." she trailed off as she remembered what's going on with their classmates.

By the time they have arrived at the mansion.....

"Alright you brats. The name's Lal Mirch. No time to rest. Get moving!" Lal showed up in front of the mansion.

"But what about our things?" one of the students asked.

"Yeah, we just arrived."

"You dare to talk back?" Lal gave a piercing glare and the students had shivered. Everyone sweatdropped. Well, it's Lal-san that we are talking about.

"Sawada and the others are excused as they have other work to do." Lal said.

"Wait, that's unfair."

"Yeah and don't tell me Miwa is included. She is just new in their group."

Kizuna was about to refute but Miwa held him back and sighed.

"Well, I wanted to release some steam anyway." Miwa cracked her knuckles.

"Wait, are you sure Miwa? Our training grounds are kinda.." Yamamoto was cut off by her when she raised her hand.

"I'm good. I had a good trainer after all." She smiled as she remembered the hellish time with a certain someone. Sawada and the other's felt that smile was forced with menace.

Better not ask her what happened. They somehow agreed on one thing. Kizuna kinda knew about it so he chuckled lightly. Hibari was indifferent while Mukuro was curious.

"I'll see you later guys." She walked away from them. Tsuna HI reacted that she would be fine but for his classmates, he would just pray that the hospital bills are not higher than his paperwork.

"W-well then, I will take a rest--"

"Who said that you are not included?" Nezu flinched on Lal's tone.

"Well I am their teacher after all"

"Teacher or not, you are not excused." Lal firmly stated. Miwa took the liberty to grab the back of his jacket.

"You heard what she said, sensei." She smiled evilly. I still haven't forgiven you what you did with the kids. She dragged Nezu. "Lead the way, Lal-san."

Lal smirked, "I like your attitude. Follow me."

Miwa ignored the gagging sound from Nezu as she dragged him. Their teacher even shouted that I am your teacher so you should respect me. Hibari had a proud face while Mukuro had an amused face. The rest was indifferent.

"I guess she would be fine." Kyoko was not sure what she was saying.

Kizuna laughed. "No worries. She would be fine. As she said earlier, she had a good trainer. An arcobaleno." That made them stop wondering as they remember their relationship with the storm arcobaleno.

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