Chapter 11

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"I'm home, Okaa-san."

"Ara, Tsu-kun. Your new friend?" They were greeted by Tsuna's mother when they arrived at Tsuna's house. Tsuna nodded. "Her name is Miwa Honoka."

"Sawada-san's Mother, sorry for the intrusion." Miwa bowed at her.

"Ara ara~, please call me Maman like Tsu-kun's friend."

"M-maman..." she muttered.

"I'll be going to the supermarket for dinner and get the kids in from school. We have snacks in the fridge." She kissed Tsuna's forehead and smiled sweetly to Miwa.

"Take care Okaa-san." Tsuna's mother waved at them before closing the door. Tsuna looked at Miwa who was spaced out.

"Something wrong Miwa-san?" Tsuna looked at her with concern.

"Ah... no ... nothing..." she put her hand on her head.

"Are you feeling dizzy? I should have not agreed to this after all." Tsuna was now worried.

"N-no. It's just that it felt like... uhm Deja vu... I don't know... maybe I'm trying to remember things already." She murmured on the last part.

That's weird. Up until now, she didn't remember anything after the kidnapping. "I see. Just don't hesitate to tell me you are not feeling well." He advised her as she nodded.

Miwa twitched on the sight.

Piles of paperworks, stacked in, for who knows, how many rows.

"You have got to be kidding me." she gaped.

"I wish I was." He laughed sadly.

Miwa gulped and felt like she wanted to faint right there but she remembered she needed to help, so she started to read the paperworks.

"I'll sort them out which one are urgent to the least one. That way we can finish it as soon as possible." She stated and she got some flashbacks again.

Okay... That was weird. She thought. Why did I see someone signing papers in a different place?

She shook her head and started on segregating the papers.

"You can start on those since those are important." she pointed to the first pile. Tsuna had started on the ones that Miwa pointed out. He was amazed at how fast she is in her work.

"Do you want me to make a draft response for these?" Miwa asked as she was done on piling the papers.

"If you can, please do so. You can use my laptop. Here's the password." Tsuna handed her a small sheet of paper with his other hand while the other hand was signing.

"Why are you confident in giving me your password?" Miwa looked at him puzzled, not accepting the paper.

"My intuition trusts you that you would not do anything wrong." He smiled as he looked at her. "I can trust you. And besides, nothing is there except my emails from Otou-san and Nono." Miwa hesitantly took the paper and typed it on the laptop.

She now started her work.

Why is this all so familiar? Her mind was full of info on how to do it and her hands kept on typing.

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