Chapter 25

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Honoka cursed on the scene. There was some rubble in the meeting room when both Honoka and Byakuran arrived.

They both heard some groaning in front of them. Yamamoto had to use his katana to stop the chunk of cement from hitting his body.

"Juudaime, are you okay?" Gokudera asked as he raised the bone loop of his Sistema C.A.I.

"Yeah, somehow." He coughed.

"What extremely has happened?!" Ryohei yelled as he punched the debris that was falling towards him.

Hibari had his tonfa's out to protect Kizuna.

Honoka activated her flames and put a barrier on each person. They all looked at Honoka. 

I'm all fucked up if I keep on using my flames. She gritted in pain.

Mukuro and Chrome just arrived after them.

"Boss!" She ran right away to his side.

"Kufufufu~ This is quite a scene." Mukuro commented.

"No kidding." Honoka breathed out.

Where the heck is the enemy? Honoka went forward and looked around. Byakuran followed her.

"Miwa-san. Are you okay?" Tsuna had asked.

"Yeah. I wasn't here when it happened in the first place. I lit flames and scattered it around the forest. Never thought that they would try to attack still."

"Oi, what about my sister?" Hibari asked aggressively.

"She is fine. I have placed a barrier in order for them not to detect her flames. Fon-san is with her." She reported.

Tsuna noticed her complexion and got worried. "Miwa-san, you can now remove the barrier around us. We are now safe."

She nodded and right away took it off. She breathed in relief as she could barely stand because her flames were taken away from her.

"Decimo, the enemy? Were you able to see them?" She asked.

"Unfortunately, no. It all happened so fast."

"Well, we are here so might as well introduce ourselves."

All members of Vongola went on alert and looked where the voice came from.

"Of course, it would be you guys." Byakuran muttered.

"Oi, woman, you know those guys?" Gokudera interrogated.

"I only know their faces but, I am not familiar with their name." She glared at the said two.

"Rowen Knold, at your service and my partner, Zed Munlich." They playfully introduced themselves.

"Honoka-chan, those two were in the mansion where the fight had happened. That's according to the other me. That Rowen fought with Mukuro and Zed had fought with Kyouya."

"Any warning we need to know that may be similar to them in this world?" Honoka asked.

"That Rowen was a masochist and Zed had a hell ring."

"So we need to knock out that Rowen and be more careful of the hell ring."

"The hell ring was only useful if there was a soul that had been trapped on the ring. The hell ring absorbs the flames of the soul. That's what he did with your brother." Honoka twitched on the info.

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