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"Xanxus, I get that you want to bond with my kids but that doesn't mean you have to let them forget lunch. And how was training supposed to be bonding again?" Honoka glared at the said person.

"Sorry Mama we forgot about the time. Please don't scold Xanxus-ji." Yuzuki looked at her with her doe eyes while Hoshiko nodded.

"It's been a long time since Xanxus-ji was here after all." Hoshiko added.

Honoka sighed as it was true since the whole Varia was on a mission for a month. Xanxus looked at her smugly, feeling that he won but Honoka glared at him.

"I know but you two still need to eat or else you won't have any energy left to train with your Xanxus-ji." She scolded.

"We're sorry." They chorused.

"We'll accept that but next time, listen to your Mama, okay?" A familiar voice came to Honoka's right side.

"Understood Papa!" they cheered. Both Honoka and Tsuna ruffled their hair before picking them up.

"Come on, Zio. They are serving steak right now as soon as we knew you were coming." Tsuna directed Xanxus to come with them. Xanxus of course, came along.

It had been 4 years since Honoka was able to go back to her own world. A year after she returned, she and Tsuna got married and the most closed allies were the only ones invited. The Mafia world was shocked to know that they had kids before they got married which had a lot of gossip. Some were saying that it was a fake marriage. Some say that because Vongola wants to have pure flames Tsuna married her flames. Some say Honoka seduced Decimo. Some were saying Honoka used the kids as a leverage to gain power over Vongola and the kids were not his.

Of course, Tsuna escorted his beloved wife to face the council, with the moral support of both of their guardians (which Honoka's were mostly Skies). Her flames dominated the hall but it was soothing for them to feel her flames. Well,the council was scared as hell when Vindice arrived there and chaos started.

"I don't effin' care about your complaints of our marriage and why you were not invited. Our Marriage is real and if I hear some trash talking about my beloved children, Varia will personally 'tutor' you what it means to not mess with a Vongola. And Bermuda-san wouldn't mind the tutor right?" She smiled meaningfully to the said person.

"Of course, it is an opportunity to teach them what is correct." With the answer of the Head of Vindice, they froze as they knew they were doomed. Honoka made a face 'I dare you to mess up with me again, hell with rise'.

"Your woman has balls, Mini-boss." Xanxus laughed. Reborn smirked as she taught her well.

"Decimo, your wife is spending more time with Reborn and Xanxus. Are you not worried?" Bermuda whispered to Tsuna.

"Well, she insisted on being my secretary and she needed to report on the 3 of us but mostly the 2 of them since I have Chrome most of the time. But I am not worried as she knows that she won't show it to our kids. And of course, we both have the same teacher, she would get one or two from Reborn." Tsuna dismissed it. Though Fon was not pleased that Reborn corrupted his niece. He inwardly sighed.

All of them were on the dining table with Tsuna's respective guardians. It has been awhile since everyone was together. Well, the rain guardian was sometimes on his wife's territory to help. Today, both of them are here. Tsuna was not surprised that he denied the position of a Don considering his wife was a Donna.

"I married her for who she is and she is the love of my life. And definitely not for the position. I am still the 10th Rain guardian of Vongola. That position alone is good for me, to serve my best friend and of course to help my wife." Yamamoto said.

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