Chapter 10

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Tsuna went straight to the classroom after the incident. He informed the others that Miwa was already fine and Hibari is taking care of her and all the events that had happened, including the resolved issue with the siblings.

"Thank goodness Hibari-san was there." Kyoko breathed in relief.

"Well at least the monkeys had been beaten up by the demon."

"Hana, I don't think you should say demon casually," Tsuna sweatdropped.

"So that means Hibari had made up with Miwa?" Yamamoto asked.

"Yeah, but with precaution. Kyouya has yet to find the person who caused their parents death and her memory loss. Miwa-san would most probably still continue on disguising to avoid trouble." Tsuna explained then the bell rang. All of them went to their seats for the class was about to start. The teacher had entered the room while hyperventilating.

"So uhm... Miwa Honoka is currently in the infirmary and was e-e-e-xcused by the prefect. S-s-so, we'll start the class without her." He stuttered.

Kyouya must have threatened sensei to just excuse her. He laughed inwardly.

After class, Tsuna had excused himself to his friends to go to the infirmary, only to find an empty infirmary.

"Are? Where are they?" Tsuna thought loudly.


A tick mark had appeared on his head as his bangs covered his eyes.

"The nerve of them creating a mess before going to Italy." He cracked his wrists as he walked towards the battle field that his two guardians created.

"Neee~~ What do you think you guys are doing?" He said it in an eerie voice as he arrived at the front of the broken door of the disciplinary's office.

There you can see, his mist and cloud fighting still, ignoring Tsuna's question.

"Tsu-tsu-tsuna nii! Please help me stop these two." He ran towards Tsuna as he pleaded with him.

"Kizuna? Aren't you supposed to be back in middle school?" Tsuna questioned him.

"I was supposed to, yet Onii-sama and Mukuro-san started a fight." He flailed his hands as he stressed out the word fight. Tsuna had to pinch his nose bridge and muttered a curse.

"Anyways, where is your sister?" He finally asked.

"She's um... there." Kizuna pointed to the person sleeping on the couch. Tsuna was about to say he was surprised that she isn't awake yet of the commotion but he saw the headphone blocking the sound. What is she even listening to not hear anything outside?

"Kufufufu~ I just came to see your sister and yet you are so overprotective, skylark." Mukuro taunted him.

"Shut up pineapple, herbivore. You have no rights to see her."

"Kufufufu~ I always like to see your sister-complex side~" He twirled playfully at his trident and threw the nearest chair to Hibari. Of course, Hibari had evaded it but....

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