Chapter 26

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"From what I remember, the girl that we took flames should be still 16 years old." Patricio looked at Honoka who was glaring at him. "And you are too young to be the mother and as far as I remembered, we killed her by draining all her flames."

Honoka released a heavy killing intent when she heard it. She may not be her mother but that was the mother of the other her. Everyone tensed when they heard that. Both the Hibari brother's glared at him.

"Hmmm..." He then looked at Byakuran. "It only means you came from the parallel world if you are with the Gesso brat."

"I'm no brat you old man!" Byakuran yelled and Honoka had to control herself from rolling her eyes.

Not a brat but childish. She thought. "Byakuran, he's just provoking you so keep quiet." She whispered.

"But... but..." This time, Honoka glared at him to make him shut up.

"Does the priestess ask help from others?" He tauntingly asked.

"I have no obligation to answer your question after you have taken flames from someone who is important on the Tri-ni-sette." She hardened her glare.

"I don't know why the priestess from another world came to this world but I guess I am lucky that I can absorb the flames from another priestess." He slyly smiled.

"Not a chance." Tsuna went on Hyper-Dying will mode.

Honoka took a glance on Honoka before looking at Byakuran.



"I'm giving you guys support flames to fight. I can't keep on using my flames or I'll dry out if I fight. We need to knock those guys out to get 'her' flames back."

"Hmmm..." He pondered. "Easier said than done though. But I'll do it anyway." He stretched his arms first before going near Tsuna's group.

"Tsunayoshi, I think you guys need to group yourselves." Byakuran stated in a serious mode.

"Are you saying we can't handle them by ourselves?" Gokudera retorted.

"What he is saying is to not underestimate the enemy. They have the flames of the deceased priestess and the current one so it won't be an easy fight." Honoka gave a fact.

"You guys," Byakuran pointed where the Hibari's are and Ryohei are, "You take care of that guy, Zed Mulich, a fair warning about the hell ring he has. While you guys," he pointed where Gokudera, Mukuro and Chrome were, "You guys take care of Rowen Knold. He loves to be hurt as he is a masochist and I think you guys would be perfect with him."

"And lastly, me and Tsunayoshi would take care of Patricio." he ended.

"Why do you have to be with Juudaime?"

"Do you have sky flames?" Byakuran raised his brows. This made Gokudera pause.

"Don't worry we'll have back up by 10 or 15 minutes." Byakuran added.

"What do you mean back up?" Honoka questioned.

"You'll see." Byakuran threw her a familiar item. "You might need it in case." It was the same item pen sized titanium that can transform to a Baton when pressing the button.

"Thanks." She smirked as she turned it into a baton. Still the same.

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