Chapter 7

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Tsuna grunted as he woke up groggily. He squinted his eyes and rubbed it. He yawned but noticed that he was not alone.

He was leaning .... to ...

"Good morning sleepy head." She blankly said, not facing him.

"UWAA!" Tsuna backed off when he knew that he was leaning to her when he was sleeping. God! I think I wanna die right now. I hope Kyouya will not kill me for keeping Miwa-san here.

Miwa had cracked her neck and tried to roll her shoulders for the numbness she felt.

"And to think you are supposed to skip the next period. I can't believe you had to involve me up until the last period. Class is almost done for the day." She raised her brows.

"Urgh. Reborn's going to kill me." Tsuna face palmed and whimpered in thinking what kind of punishment he is going to expect later.

Miwa stumbled when she stood up but Tsuna was fast enough to catch her. He supported her to a nearby chair.

"I-I think my right leg is numb from sitting that long." she stuttered while skipping, making sure that the other was not being used.

"Sorry. It was my fault that I got you cut classes also." Tsuna apologized.

"Nah. You took care of me yesterday anyways." She waved as she sat down. She massaged her other leg right away.

"I think it's best if you go ahead. People would get suspicious if we are together. Especially Gokudera-san." She advised while she cringed of the loyal guardian.

"What about you?"

"I'll just wait until the numbness is away. Now go." She gestures to him to go out of the room. From his Hyper Intuition, she would be fine but he was reluctant to leave her alone.

Tsuna heard the last chime of the bell. He then ran stealthily to his classroom. He noticed it was only his guardians left in the room.

He was bombarded right away with his friends.

"I'm fine. I got enough sleep because of it." He assured them.

"That reminds me Tsuna, were you and Miwa together?" GEH! Takeshi.Why do you have to be so sharp right now?!

"Boss, did she do anything wrong?" Chrome worryingly looked at him.

"If I know that she did something regretful, I swear--"

"She did nothing wrong. In fact I got her involved. She looked after me when I had slept. I now feel guilty because of that."

"You should be Dame-Tsuna. I have to triple your training for just skipping class." Reborn appeared in front of them with his eyes glinting. Tsuna had to gulp as he already expected it.

A few moments, Miwa entered the room quietly but Tsuna was able to notice. Miwa just nodded at him.

"Oh and by the way, Dame-Tsuna. Add Miwa to your family." Tsuna froze when Reborn said it while the others were quiet.

It seemed that Miwa had heard of it as she froze when she was putting her things in her bag. Gokudera was the first one to break the silence.

"Why does she have to be in the family, Reborn-san?" He asked.

"Her family is already part of the Mafia. I don't see why not. And besides, Dame-Tsuna already knows she is part of it" Reborn answered.


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