4. Revenge Mode On

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"What the f*ck!" Yang Jian shouted, taking out the drenched copy of Mrs. Dalloway from the bathtub. He carefully wrapped the book with a towel.

Behind the door, Cheng Ming was laughing silently. This is just the beginning, he murmured. After 'learning' that Yang Jian lied to him by saying Ying Yue kissed him and caused them to be kicked out from home, Cheng Ming decided to take his revenge on Yang Jian.

"What happened?" He walked into the bathroom and stood behind him, trying to look innocent.

"You know what happened!" He pointed to the book. He was very sensitive about his books and Cheng Ming knew it very well.

"Sorry, I borrowed it to read in the toilet," he shrugged, "I guess it accidentally fell into the tub."

Yang Jian knew he was lying but there was nothing he could do rather than grabbing the book with the towel and going back to his room. "DON'T TOUCH MY STUFF!" he yelled before slamming the door.

Of course, Cheng Ming would continue to touch his stuff as he was in revenge mode.

After Mrs. Dalloway, it was Frankenstein. The book disappeared from Yang Jian's table all of a sudden. Yang Jian was super angry and punched Cheng Ming.

Getting punched made Cheng Ming more angry so he decided to play big: he stole The Picture of Dorian Gray which was Yang Jian's favourite. Cheng Ming knew that Yang Jian was in love with that book as he was carrying it everywhere he went, including summer vacations.

Dorian did the job and created the expected reaction. Maybe even more than expected. Noticing the novel wasn't in its usual place, Yang Jian had a nervous breakdown.

He stormed into Cheng Ming's room and grabbed his shirt. "GIVE IT BACK!"

Cheng Ming gaped him with astonishment. He knew he would be so angry but he looked as if he went nuts. He noticed there were tears in his eyes.

He felt a pang in his heart seeing him like that but he was too proud to apologise so he pushed him back, saying, "I don't know what you are talking about!"

Delirious Yang Jian turned the room upside down, trying to find the book. Cheng Ming barely managed to push him out of his room and locked the door.

But Yang Jian didn't give up. He was kicking the door with all his strength, yelling at him to give the book back.

Cheng Ming took the book out from where he hid. "It's just a book, why all this tantrum?" He said silently, looking at the door which was shaking crazily because of Yang Jian's kicks.

He threw the book to his bed as he had no intention to confront Yang Jian at that moment but then he saw something fell out of the book. It was a photograph, a young woman sitting on the grass, smiling to the camera happily with the little baby in her arms.

Yang Jian and his mother... Cheng Ming cursed to himself. Yang Jian's mother died in a car accident when Yang Jian was just a baby so they didn't have many pictures together.

That's why you went nuts... Cheng Ming murmured. He hated himself.

Quickly, he put the photo back inside the book and opened the door to give the book back but Yang Jian wasn't there. He went to his room but he wasn't there either. As he didn't want to meet him, he left the book on the desk and went back to his room.

Yang Jian noticed that he was kicking the door like a mad person so he stopped abruptly and went to the garden to take a breath and think how to get the book back. It was his favourite book so he kept the only picture he had with his mother in it. He had to get it back.

When Yang Jian went to his room, he saw the book on the desk. He checked it quickly and found the picture. Holding the picture dearly, he cried for the first time in years.

Although he was grateful to Cheng Ming for returning the book, he had to make him pay for his misdoings.

With this, the second round of revenge officially started.

As Cheng Ming wasn't into reading but health stuff, the second round of revenge was food related.

Early in the next morning, Yang Jian changed Cheng Ming's protein powder with baking powder.

Coming from the gym at night, Cheng Ming tried to put 'protein powder' into water.




Cheng Ming got a sip from his energy drink, five seconds later he spewed it out as there was a good amount of salt in it.




As soon as Cheng Ming opened the fridge's door, four eggs fell to his feet, broken, ruining his jeans, slippers and creating a mess on the floor.



With the eggs, the trilogy was completed; three books to three food items.

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