19. Now You Know

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Yang Jian woke up with a terrible headache. He looked around and saw Cheng Ming sleeping peacefully on the chair next to his bed, in his right hand there was a towel and his left hand was on Yang Jian's arm.

"Don't you think you are very contradictory?" he asked the sleeping boy while caressing his soft black hair.

"Hmm," the sleeping figure slowly opened his eyes so Yang Jian retreated his hand quickly.

"You are awake," Cheng Ming wanted to check Yang Jian's temperature but Yang Jian pushed his hand.

"So at the end wolf is still the biggest enemy of fox, ha?" Yang Jian asked although he knew it couldn't be true as it was Cheng Ming who took care of him all night long, but still he was the doer as well.

"I won't try to defend myself, we both already know that I'm such an idiot," he said matter-of-factly while pouring some porridge into the bowl. Then he gave the bowl to Yang Jian, "drink this, it is still warm."

Yang Jian looked at the bowl in his hand for a while, thinking what to do, to feel, to ask.

"Why did you do that?" he asked at the end softly, "I thought we were getting along quite well."

"Because I am the most idiot person on this entire planet," he said while holding Yang Jian's hand, "I believed that bitch but it isn't an excuse. Can you forgive me?"

"Who is the bitch?"

Cheng Ming rubbed his eyes, the whole thing was very unpleasant so he didn't want to go through it again but he had to tell Yang Jian.

"Ying Yue," he started, "she told me that you forced yourself on her."


"She should change her major from chemistry to acting, you know. She was damn good."

"Still, you chose to believe her rather than me," Yang Jian was still hurt.

"That's why I told you that I am the most stupid person ever!" He held Yang Jian's hand one more time, unconsciously making Yang Jian lose his focus, "come on, foxes are known for their forgiveness."

"Silly wolf, it is not true!" he yelled with a little smirk.

"It made you smile, it doesn't matter whether it is true or not."

Then it happened.

Yang Jian suddenly leaned forward and kissed Cheng Ming's lips.

Cheng Ming couldn't do anything for a second but then he responded to the kiss. The kiss was getting heated when he pushed Yang Jian and punched him.

"What the hell are you doing?!" He jumped to his feet.

"It was the reason why Ying Yue deceived you to take revenge on me," Yang Jian calmly said, hiding his bleeding heart, "because the person I love is you not her."

"What?!" Cheng Ming started to walk around the room, his hands were around his head.

He was so confused. Soooo confused.

"You heard me, I love you for a long time," Yang Jian stood in front of Cheng Ming, "Look," he wanted to hold Cheng Ming's arm but he pushed him away from himself.

"So you are homo?" His mind was trying to process the information he got, "then why did you chase Ying Yue?!"

"I am bisexual," Yang Jian took a deep breath, the conversation wasn't going so good, "and I really liked her at first but then you stole my heart. I am sorry for hiding it but I knew you wouldn't accept me so..."

"So you took advantage of my ignorance! You used me for your disgusting fantasies!"

"What?" Now, Yang Jian was also getting angry, "when did I do that?!"

"I should have noticed that when you became too touchy," Cheng Ming said with a disgusted expression, "I hate you!"

Hearing what he said, Yang Jian felt dizzy and nauseous. He pushed Cheng Ming aside and rushed to the bathroom. He threw up until there was nothing left in his stomach and the action made him more dizzy. He flushed the toilet and sat on the floor until he got his vision back.

Then he brushed his teeth, washed his face and opened the door, almost colliding with Cheng Ming.

"Are you okay?" Cheng Ming asked, whispering. He didn't understand why he was still worried about him but he couldn't help. When he rushed to the bathroom after him, and heard him suffering alone there, his heart hurt so bad.

"As if you care!" Yang Jian pushed him with his shaky hands and returned to his room, then cried until he fell asleep, meanwhile Cheng Ming didn't even blink the entire night.

The next day, Yang Jian left the house with a single luggage while Cheng Ming was finally sleeping.


This chapter is for you nightcorelover224. Thank you <3

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