8. Breaking the Ice...Slowly

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The peace agreement soon proved itself very beneficial. As the energy for planning and executing the pranks was saved, they started to use the time for more useful things like how to use washing and dishes machines.

They also learned a lot about each other. Although they grew up together, apparently they never paid attention to each other's hobbies. Consequently, when Cheng Ming came home after a basket match and found a full hand-made dinner on the table, he was lost for words. Similarly, when Yang Jian found Cheng Ming in the bathroom, fighting germs with his orange rubber gloves, his book fell from his grip from the shock.

It was indeed true, they were like the sun and the moon, totally opposite! But this situation was quite nice as they divided the work according to their interest; Yang Jian covered the kitchen while Cheng Ming covered the cleaning.

They were miraculously getting along well... Almost...

"Why did you put mutton in it!" Cheng Ming threw all the mutton in the dish onto Yang Jian's plate, "I hate it!"

"The poor creature died for you! What else can it do to please you!"

"Carnivor fox!"

"Unappreciative wolf!"

After Yang Jian handled the dishes, he found Cheng Ming sitting on the sofa, playing with his phone. But as soon as he saw Yang Jian, he put the phone aside. "Hey fox, what are you going to do for the rest of the night?"

"Why? Are you bored alone?" Yang Jian asked although he knew the answer. Unlike him, Cheng Ming had no hobbies other than sports, partying and cleaning.

Cheng Ming nodded reluctantly, "all my friends have something to do, so I am stuck at home."

Yang Jian raised his eyebrows with suspicion. Are all of them busy? At the same time? Really? After the party disaster, they weren't like before with their friends, there was an unspoken coldness between them. Only Cheng Ming was too naive to notice that.

Yang Jian shook his head, he wanted to say "how come you are this stupid!" But he couldn't, so he rather said, "I need to watch a movie for my assignment, do you wanna join?"

Cheng Ming jumped from the sofa happily, "I get the beers, you bring your laptop!"

Watching him running to the kitchen happily, Yang Jian couldn't help but smile, finding his reaction very cute. Then he went up to get his laptop.

The movie was Frankenstein. The duo dipped the lights, got the beers and started to watch it side by side on the sofa. There was a notebook and a pen on Yang Jian's lap as he needed to take notes for the assignment. From time to time, he stopped the movie to take notes, annoying Cheng Ming.

After holding his nagging in for half an hour, Cheng Ming exploded, "stop pausing the movie! You are ruining it!"

"It is an assignment! I'm not watching it for fun!"

"But I am!"

"Not my problem!"

"Bad fox!"

"Stupid wolf!"

Yang Jian rewound the movie for five minutes.


Still, no matter how irritated he was, he still got the bottle from between Yang Jian's knees so that he could write better, and kept doing it every time Yang Jian paused the movie.

Each time Yang Jian smiled softly for his thoughtful act.

"What!" Cheng Ming yelled at the screen at the end of the movie, "the ending is so bad!"

Yang Jian chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?!" He huffed.

"Do you want to know the analysis of it? You will understand it better, maybe even like the ending."

Cheng Ming thought for a moment whether he wanted to hear or not. He was never interested in literature but...

"Ok, whatever, spill it."

Yang Jian chuckled again, "no, not now. First you will read the book, the one you stole from me," he looked at the blushing wolf, "you still keep it, right?"

Cheng Ming nodded guiltily as he noticed that he forgot to give it back.

"Good, read it first, then I will explain it for you," he said before taking the bottles to the kitchen.

Then he got his laptop and went to his room.


Yang Jian heard Cheng Ming yelling behind him and laughed silently in his room.

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