13. A Call from the Rival

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Next day, Yang Jian told Cheng Ming that he needed to study so as not to bother him. Cheng Ming wasn't happy to hear as he had planned to torture Yang Jian more, but still he granted his wish and left him alone. For a while....


Yang Jian rubbed his temples. No matter how hard he tried that stupid wolf didn't let him ignore him.

He went to Cheng Ming's room, "what now?"

Cheng Ming caught his hands, "can you lend me money?"

Yang Jian was silent as his focus was solely on his hands held by Cheng Ming.


"What did you say?" He was back to reality.

"I need money!"

"Why?" Does he want me to be his sugar daddy now?

"I need to pay that student to copy his exam paper otherwise he won't help me."

"Serves you well," he looked at him with cold eyes, "you shouldn't have spent all your money on that stupid gift."

"Seriously? You are acting as if you are my wife and nagging about my mistress."

Wife? He would love that but...

He tried to save his hands from Cheng Ming's hand but the latter didn't allow him, "I have to pay him, pleaseeee."

"You can study like I do, it is free you know," he said coldly before saving his hands and returning to his room.

Five minutes later, Cheng Ming came to his room by jumping on his uninjured foot.

"What are you doing?!" Yang Jian jumped from the chair and helped Cheng Ming to sit on his bed.

"I don't know how to study, I have never done it," he said guiltily.

He looked so cute with those pouty lips so Yang Jian couldn't help but squish his cheeks.

"I won't give you money."

Cheng Ming rolled his eyes with irritation, "can we at least sit together so you can teach me how to study?"

"You want to study?" Yang Jian asked with wide eyes, "seriously?"

"You don't give me any other choice so..."

"This is the best option."

He helped Cheng Ming to the kitchen, then he went up again to collect their laptops.

They sat in the kitchen together, drinking coffee and studying, well at least trying to study. For Cheng Ming the world of studying was a brand new adventure while Yang Jian was super distracted as Cheng Ming kept biting his soft lips on the other side of the table.

Still, fruitful or not, the duo managed to sit for four hours looking at the study materials. It was better than what Cheng Ming initially thought, with the study tips Yang Jian gave him, he understood most of what he was supposed to study ages ago.

After four hours, worried that Cheng Ming would burn all of his brain in the first attempt to study, Yang Jian put him into the living room as he also needed some time to cool off, then he started cooking in peace.

But as peace is a capricious being, it doesn't like to be attained for more than twenty minutes, so...


"Ying Yue?!"

Hearing Cheng Ming was talking with Ying Yue, Yang Jian froze with the plates in his hand.

"Wow, it is the first time you called me rather than sending a message. What can I do for your majesty?"

Yang Jian's grip was tightened on the plates.

"I am fine, it is just a small injury but if it makes you call me, next time I will break a few of my bones."

Yang Jian was shaking.

"Ok, hope to see you soon...wait!... I love you, my heart only belongs to you."

The plates fell down, broken to a million pieces just like Yang Jian's poor heart.

"Fox?" Cheng Mig heard the shattering voice from the kitchen.

Yang Jian didn't even hear him, he was too shocked. Unconsciously, he bent down and grasped the broken pieces, causing deep cuts in his palm.

As Yang Jian didn't answer, Cheng Ming rushed to the kitchen, not caring about his injured ankle. He found Yang Jian on his knees in the middle of broken glasses, bleeding from his left hand. His face was ash colour, his eyes unfocused.

"Yang Jian!"

Cheng Ming lifted him from his waist and made him sit on the chair. Yang Jian still wasn't responding. Scared to death, he opened Yang Jian's left hand forcefully and broken pieces fell from his grip as well as the droplets of blood. Cheng Ming got the kitchen towel and pressed onto wounds while Yang Jian was still looking blankly.

Cheng Ming shook Yang Jian's shoulders while shouting his name over and over again and finally he brought his lost soul back.

"What happened? Why are you stepping on the injured foot?"

Cheng Ming was about to lose his mind with worry, "you are bleeding this much but the only thing you care about is my damn foot?"

Hearing his comment, Yang Jian looked at his hand which Cheng Ming was pressing with a towel. He hissed with pain as his senses were back.

"Don't move, I will bring medicine."

"But your ankl-"

"Worry for yourself, will you?!"

When he came back with the medicine kit, he gently removed the towel, cleaned the cuts and bandaged Yang Jian's hand.

His worried face and gentle touches made Yang Jian teary. Don't do this, you make it too hard for me to resist you, he said inwardly.

Finishing the bandaging, Cheng Ming took Yang Jian to the living room.

"Now, will you tell me what happened?" he asked while sitting next to him on the sofa.

"I... I felt dizzy for a moment and lost my focus."

Cheng Ming's eyebrows were knitted with worry. He put his hand on Yang Jian's cheek and noticed that he was very cold.

"You look terrible, come, I will take you to your room to rest," he grabbed his arm gently but Yang Jian stopped him.

"You shouldn't move around like this otherwise your ankle will be swollen," he said and went up alone without waiting for Cheng Ming's answer.

You are sick but still care about me more than yourself, stupid wolf...


This chapter is dedicated to @AresEarth as a thanks for being my first supporter, you made my day :)

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