6. A Disastrous Party

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Meeting at the cafe proved itself quite useful although Cheng Ming felt a bit bitter paying a coffee that much money (it was the first time he checked the price). Still, they managed to find a lot of ways to torture Yang Jian.

Next morning, Yang Jian found out that the tire of his bike was torn and Cheng Ming was nowhere to be found. It wasn't hard to connect the dots.

He had to call X to get him as he had no spare money to pay for a taxi and this situation didn't make him happy.

As a result, Cheng Ming's gym card mysteriously disappeared the following day. As he was a work-out beast, he had to borrow money from B and this situation didn't make him happy either.

The next week continued like that; things disappeared, prank calls, turn-off alarms, detergent in the shampoo bottle, chocolate in shoes...The pranks got worse and distasteful as they almost forgot that they planned to be sophisticated with the teasing.

Noticing this situation, for the next move, Cheng Ming waited patiently until the time Yang Jian had an exam. Unlike Cheng Ming, Yang Jian was very serious about his studies so it was a perfect opportunity for revenge. From Tian Feng, he learnt the exam day was Thursday and he called A, B, C and D to come to his home-party on Wednesday. The plan was ready.

On Wednesday, Yang Jian came home after the library was closed at eight and found a party going on in the house. The music was so loud that he could hear it from outside the house. Getting very pissed as he knew Cheng Ming did it on purpose, he barged into the house.

It was a total mess. There were two huge speakers in the living room playing music at max volume, A and C playing beer pong on the kitchen table, D dancing with B on the sofa...

Yang Jian found Cheng Ming sitting on the other sofa, pouting. But as soon as he saw Yang Jian, he jumped to his feet, pretending to have so much fun.

Yang Jian turned off the speakers, "get out!"

The others looked at each other before Cheng Ming stood in front of Yang Jian. "It isn't your house so you can't tell us what to do," he said and turned on the speakers again.

Yang Jian wanted to reach the speakers back but Cheng Ming caught his wrist. Both of them were well-built but Cheng Ming was way more strong than Yang Jian. Knowing that he had no chance against Cheng Ming, Yang Jian saved his wrist from his grip and went up to his room.

It was impossible to study so he decided to retaliate. He called V, W, X, Y, Z.

Half an hour later, Yang Jian's friends also arrived at the house. However, to Yang Jian's dismay, they liked the party so rather than spoiling it, they joined it.

It was a total mess square with newcomers. Drinks, chips and popcorn were on the floor, spilled. The furniture was relocated according to the drinkers' taste. Everyone was everywhere.

Cheng Ming couldn't watch it anymore and went to his room but his room was already occupied by D and B. Having no other choice, he went to the bathroom and saw Yang Jian was already there, sitting in the dry tub with his lecture notes.

He closed the door behind him, "you also had enough?" he asked, sitting on the toilet lid.

Yang Jian snorted, "it is your party, isn't it? How come you are not enjoying it?"

Cheng Ming raised his hands, surrendering. "I admit it wasn't a really good plan," he rubbed his eyes, "I just wanted to take revenge."

"Revenge?" He straightened up in the tub.

"Mnm, for lying to me."

"What lie?" Yang Jian had no idea what Cheng Ming was talking about.

"You said Ying Yue kissed you."

Yang Jian kept staring at Cheng Ming, all that mess was because of a kiss! Did the damn wolf like her that much?

"Why don't you speak?" Cheng Ming misunderstood his silence.

"You won't believe me anyway so no need to talk," he said calmly, he knew Cheng Ming very well. "I have more important things to deal with."

"Like what?"

"LIKE HOW TO STUDY FOR THE EXAM WHEN THOSE MONKEYS JUMPING AROUND!" Yang Ming yelled as he couldn't bear it anymore. The noise was killing him.

"I am sorry," Cheng Ming whispered but Yang Jian heard him.

It was the first time Cheng Ming apologised to Yang Jian.

"Then please fix it," Yang Jian said softly, he was still under shock, hearing Cheng Ming's honest apology.

Cheng Ming took a deep breath, "I will," he said and went downstairs to finish the party. Yang Jian didn't follow him but stood near the stairs so that he could hear what Cheng Ming was saying to them.

The music stopped.

"Guys, the party is over," Cheng Ming looked at the surprised faces of his friends, "help me to clean this mess before leaving."

Originally, they were about to object to him as they were having so much fun. But, hearing him asking for help for cleaning, they rushed to the door.

Cheng Ming watched them with a shocked expression while Yang Jian heard them with a not shocked expression.

In two minutes, they disappeared but the mess was left behind.

Hearing Cheng Ming sighing downstairs, Yang Jian came down as well.

"Are we really close friends with those monkeys?" Yang Jian asked while collecting the bottles from the floor.

Cheng Ming grabbed his arm. Getting the bottles from his hand, he said "you go study, I will clean here."

Yang Jian froze on the spot, "are you sick? You are acting very weird today."

Cheng Ming shooed him upstairs, "go before I change my mind!"

Chuckled, Yang Ming went upstairs to study.

Next morning Yang Jian found the downstairs perfectly and surprisingly clean. As a result, one hour later, Cheng Ming found an omelette and soy milk waiting for him on the kitchen table.

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