5. "Friends"

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After teasing and irritating each other for a while, both Cheng Ming and Yang Jian acknowledged that what they were doing was quite childish. They were university students and they had to act accordingly so they decided to find more creative ways to irritate each other.

As it was Cheng Ming's turn to start the third round, he felt the pressure.

He was quite simple-minded so he needed help. He asked his friends to come to the cafeteria after lunch time (interestingly, Cheng Ming, Yang Jian and Tian Feng were still having lunch together everyday), so that they could discuss revenge without anyone interrupting them.

However, he never expected to get an answer like that from his two-year friends.

"We are already ashamed enough because you are eating in the cafeteria," C said matter-of-factly, "and now you also want us to join you there?"

A and B nodded while D was pretending to fix her makeup.

Cheng Ming couldn't utter a word for a second. He admitted that he felt the same on the first day in the cafeteria but then he noticed how arrogant he was, thinking like that. Most of the students were eating there and it was very cheap and the taste was OK. There was nothing to be ashamed of.

"It isn't as bad as you think and the tas-"

"Come on!" A interrupted him, "we all know you go there because you don't want to borrow money from us. You don't belong to that low cl-"

This time Cheng Ming interrupted him. He didn't want to hear anything nasty from his friends as he was hanging with Tian Feng and he liked his company.

"Ok then, let's go to the cafe after class," he said at the end while noting that he shouldn't drink anything expensive as he didn't want to 'borrow' money from his friends.

He wasn't that enthusiastic about getting help for a revenge plan anymore...


"Look at this!" W was pushing his cell phone on Yang Jian's face.

Irritated, Yang Jian grabbed the phone from his hand to look. It was a picture of Cheng Ming, Tian Feng and him eating in the cafeteria. "So?"

X shook him from the shoulder, "do you really hang out with Tian Feng?!"

"Please tell us it isn't true," V added.

Yang Jian looked at his friends, quite annoyed. He loved them but sometimes they were acting very retarded and arrogant. He saved his shoulder from X's grip, "we are having lunch together, so what?"

"You. Having lunch. With. Mr. Muscle and Mr. Weird?!" Y couldn't believe what he heard.

Yang Jian sighed, "yes, I do and you know what, he is actually quite nice." He went into the lecture hall, leaving his friends behind, appalled.

In the lecture hall, Yang Jian saw Tian Feng sitting at the other end of the room alone. They were mostly having lunch together but other than that they never interacted more than saying hey and bye.

Paying attention to him for the first time in class, he noticed how lonely he looked. With a sudden urge, Yang Jian went towards him and sat next to him, making the entire class shocked. Mr. Romantic Prince with Mr. Weird!

Seeing what Yang Jian did, Tian Feng panicked. Trying to pull him to his feet, "don't sit with me, they will misunderstand!" he said.

Yang Jian kept sitting, "misunderstand?"

Tian Feng leaned towards him as if giving him a secret, "they will think we are friends," he whispered.

Yan Jian arched his eyebrows, "are we not?"

The smaller guy smiled with the sudden realisation. He sees me as a friend, he said inwardly. It was the happiest day of his miserable university life. 

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