14. I Care About You Too

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"Are you awake?" Cheng Ming asked, whispering from Yang Jian's door when he came to check on him at night.

No reply came.

Cheng Ming silently entered the room and put the warm milk and the medicine kit he brought on the nightstand, then slowly sat on the bed next to the sleeping figure. He put his hand to his forehead to check his temperature. Luckily, he didn't have a fever but he was still pale.

Although they were used to fighting like enemies, Cheng Ming had never doubted that Yang Jian would help him if he ever needed to. All the time, he instinctively trusted his enemy better than his friends and the injured ankle was the proof of how right his instinct was. Cheng Ming still remembered how Yang Jian rushed to the infirmary looking all panicked because of him, and took care of him even when he needed more care than Cheng Ming.

The same went for him as well, in his heart he always knew he cared about the damn fox; however, even himself didn't know that he did care about him to that extent. But there he was, feeling so worried and protective, seeing the fox in that pitiful condition. Being immersed in his thoughts, unconsciously, his hand moved from Yang Jian's forehead to his cheek and remained there.

Feeling something warm on his cold cheek, Yang Jian opened his eyes and found out it was Cheng Ming's hand.

"You are awake," Cheng Ming retreated his hand quickly, "I brought you warm milk."

Yang Jian shook his head weakly, he didn't feel like drinking.

With a sigh, Cheng Ming grabbed his arms and raised him a little before forcing him to hold the glass. "You haven't eaten anything since noon, at least drink the milk."

Yang Jian couldn't say anything but thinking how can I resist loving you while you are being this nice to me?

Cheng Ming pushed his hand up to his mouth, "just drink it."

Yang Jian did as he was told. Contented, Cheng Ming got the empty glass from his hand and put it back to the nightstand.

"What time is it?" Yang Jian noticed that it was dark inside the room.

"Twelve a.m," he took the medicine kit onto his lap and turned on the bedside lamp, "you slept for the entire noon and night."


"Give me your hand."


"Your injured hand."

"Oh," he raised his left hand up.

Cheng Ming applied medicine and bandaged his hand again under the intense staring of Yang Jian. Then he made him lie down again, "try to sleep more, I don't want to see your face pale tomorrow. You gave me enough trouble today," he said before leaving the room.

Yang Jian looked behind Cheng Ming for a while.

What about the trouble you give to my poor heart, damn wolf?


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