20. Forget Me...Not

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"What happened to you?" Tian Feng was shocked to see Yang Jian in that condition, his face had no colour, his eyes were red because of excessive crying and he was shaking so bad.

"Can...I...come...in?" He barely managed to finish his sentence before collapsing on Tian Feng who carried him inside his flat.


"Fox, we need to talk," Cheng Ming was standing in front of his door.

"Yang Jian come out!"

"Yang Jian!"

He pushed the door and saw that it was empty. He couldn't decide what to feel, relieved? Angry? Disappointed? All night long, he thought about what to do but at the end he had no idea. So he decided to confront Yang Jian but he wasn't there.

"It is better, now I have more time to think," he mumbled and went back to his room.


"How do you feel?" Tian Feng helped Yang Jian to sit.

"Did I faint?" His head was killing him.

"Yes, you scared the hell out of me," he gave a reassuring smile, "but it is fine as long as you are OK."

"Thank you," Yang Jian said, "I know it is out of blue but can I stay with you for a few days?"

"No problem," he replied very fast, "do you wanna talk?"

Yang Jian shook his head. "There is nothing to talk about, everything is over now."


Day 1

Yang Jian sitting on the floor, watching out with empty eyes.

Cheng Ming waiting for Yang Jian.

None goes to class.

Day 2

Yang Jian still not eating but watching out with empty eyes.

Cheng Ming drinking coffee again to stay awake, waiting him.

None goes to class.

Day 3

Yang Jian crying non-stop, Tian Feng losing his mind with worry.

Cheng Ming missing Yang Jian so bad, 3 days felt like 3 years.

None goes to class.

Day 4

Yang Jian collapsed but still crying in his sleep.

Cheng Ming thinking about all those nice thing Yang Jian did for him.

None goes to class.

Day 5

Yang Jian back to watching out with blank eyes.

Cheng Ming thinking about the kiss while looking at

the books Yang Jian gifted to him.

None goes to class.

Day 6

Yang Jian going to his father's company.

Cheng Ming receiving a call from Mr. Yang.

None goes to class as it is Saturday.

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