21. I Love Him!

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"I am sure you know why I called you here," Mr. Yang said with a very serious tone.

He and Cheng Ming were sitting in his office room in a very uncomfortable atmosphere.

Cheng Ming shook his head as he didn't think Yang Jian would say such a thing to his father. He knew that Mr. Yang was the only person Yang Jian was truly scared of.

"Yang Jian told me something this morning," he paused for a second, "something so disturbing and shocking."


"He told me that he loves you! You! A guy!" Mr. Yang was still in shock. His only son was a freak!

Cheng Ming's eyes widened with shock, how come you said such a thing to your father, he shouted inwardly.

"I apologise to you for his disgusting feelings for you," Mr. Yang grabbed his hands, "please do not tell this to anyone, I am so ashamed already and he is going to France at the end of this month."

"What?" Cheng Ming saved his hands from Mr. Yang. He was still confused about his feelings towards Yang Jian but hearing his own father calling his feelings disgusting and sending him away to silence him made him boil with anger. "He is your son! How can you talk like this?"

"I wish he wasn't my son but you." His face was contorted with disgust.

"He loves me, it is not a sin. We can't choose whom we love!" he yelled as he felt so sad for Yang Jian, "your son is one hundred percent better than I am; he is smart, respectful, helpful, funny and lovely. If you can't see that then you don't deserve him!"

"Wait a second," Mr. Yang stood up, "you are talking as if you are...you are also...homo..."

"I am not."



"Then what?"

"I just love your son," he thought for a second then added, "I am gay for your son!"

He said it! Finally he understood what he felt for Yang Jian, it was love! He loved Yang Jian the same way Yang Jian loved him! Omg! He was gay!

"You two are so disgusting! I won't allow this, I will send him to France immediately."

"It is great so we can get married easily there, thank you uncle!"


"You heard me, uncle. I will follow him to the end of the world so don't provoke me," he moved to the door, "by the way, he is studying English Literature not French Literature."

He left the company.


"Tian Feng?"

"Yes, it is me," he whispered, "Yang Jian is at my house all broken. Can you collect him from here, I guess he needs you the most."

"I am coming, send me the address," Cheng Ming rushed to his car.

Twenty minutes later, he was at Tian Feng's door.

"Wow, you are fast," Tian Feng stepped aside so that he could enter.

"Where is he?"

"In my room," Tian Feng led the way, "he collapsed again and you also look terrible."

"On the contrary, I never felt this good, thank you for your help" he said, then he took Yang Jian's sleeping body into his arms gently and carried him to the car.

Even when he carried him to his bed half an hour later, Yang Jian still didn't wake up. Cheng Ming sat next to the sleeping figure, he held his hand and saw the leather bracelet was still on his wrist.

"So you still didn't give up on me", he whispered in order not to wake him. Then a brilliant idea hit him. He rushed to his room, took the watch Ying Yue gave him and rushed out.

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