18. I'll Take Care of You

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Yang Jian put the assignment into the pigeon box and ran downstairs. But Cheng Ming wasn't there. He called out to him several times but no answer. He wanted to call him but then remembered that his phone was in the bag and the bag was with Cheng Ming.

He left the faculty and looked around. It was almost half past nine so the campus was mostly empty and still no sight of Cheng Ming.

Yang Jian rushed to the parking lot but Cheng Ming's car wasn't there.

He left me behind... why?

As if it wasn't enough, it started to rain.

Yang Jian just stood there like a statue, ignoring the rain. He was so sad that he wondered if he could really die from a broken heart. He didn't understand why Cheng Ming did such a thing as he thought they were getting along perfectly. Well, obviously he was wrong.

He didn't know how long he stood there, but in the end, he decided to go back home. As he had neither a cell phone nor wallet with him, the only way was to walk. Under the rain. With a broken heart.



Cheng Ming looked out of the window and saw it was raining like hell.

"What should I do?" He asked himself. Indeed, he wanted to take revenge but the weather was terrible and even he wasn't that cruel.

He grabbed his car keys from the table and was about to go to collect Yang Jian when his phone rang.

"Congrats!" D yelled from the other side of the line, "I guess."


"I heard that evil bitch, upps, Ying Yue I mean, is yours now."


"You still don't know?! How come? Didn't she already call you to say she loves you?"

Yes, she called him but for a different business. "What do you mean?"

"A friend told me that yesterday she saw Ying Yue and Yang Jian at the green area," she paused for a moment to create suspense, then continued "she tried to kiss him and hold his hand but he didn't let her!!! THEN HE LEFT HER THERE ALONE! You should follow his example, you know."

The phone fell from Cheng Ming's hand. He rushed to the door, not even bothered to take the phone from the floor. But before he could open the door, it was opened from the outside.

"I...I..." Cheng Ming mumbled, looking at the drenched boy from head to toe.

Yang Jian raised his hand and silenced him. He neither wanted to talk to him nor to see his face. He was beyond hurt.

He went to his room, hastily got rid of his wet clothes, wore his pyjamas and went to bed. He was freezing to death and had no energy to confront Cheng Ming. Both physically and mentally.

What if everything was a nightmare?

"Yang Jian? Are you still angry?" Cheng Ming knocked on the door for one hundred twenty sixth time but still there was no response.

It had taken two hours for him to build his courage and went up to apologise to Yang Jian so there he was, standing in front of his door, knocking the door for one hundred twenty seventh time.

No response.

Did he collapse? Cheng Ming was getting more and more nervous each minute. When he couldn't take it anymore, he barged into the room and saw he was damn right! Yang Jian was really unconscious on the bed. He was sweating profusely and panting heavily, Cheng Ming put his hand to his forehead and found out he was burning up.

What to do? What to do? Internet!

He checked the theory, then moved to practise.

He went to the bathroom and brought cold water, a few towels and medicine kit, then raised Yang Jian's unconscious body and took off his soaked upper part of pyjamas. Yang Jian was panting and his muscular chest was glimmering because of sweat under the soft yellowish light of the bedside lamp.

The scene was... was... too erotic...

Cheng Ming kept staring at his body in a daze. He needed to slap himself to get himself together.

"What's wrong with me? He is a guy!" He murmured before quickly putting a blanket on Yang Jian for his safety.

When his heart calmed a little, he melted an antipyretic pill in a spoon with water and fed Yang Jian. Then he started to wipe him with the wet towels. Arms, head and neck were fine but when he needed to move to his chest, Cheng Ming's heart fastened again.

"I am not taking advantage, I swear I am just trying to help you," he murmured while opening the blanket, exposing the wide chest again.

He quickly wiped his chest, trying not to touch the burning body more than necessary, then he raised him and leaned his body to his chest to wipe his back.

"Don't go," Yang Jian mumbled while weakly circling his arms around Cheng Ming's waist.

Cheng Ming froze with the sudden action... the sudden intimacy. Then he hugged him back, "I won't go because you cook very well."

Yang Jian smiled indistinctly before his arms fell on the bed again.

Cheng Ming finished wiping quickly and tugged him back under the blanket. After placing a wet towel on his forehead, he went down to cook porridge. 

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