17. Rain in Paradise

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But he did.

He let something come between their friendship.


"Why are you calling me Ying Yue?"

"Yang Jian, we need to talk."

"I don't want to talk to you anymore," he was about to hang up but Ying Yue stopped him.

"It is about Cheng Ming."

"In 15 mins in the green area then."

"See you."

Yang Jian saw Ying Yue standing under the huge oak tree. If it was last year, he would drop dead by the sight. She was truly so beautiful, but now he didn't feel anything. He wouldn't even want to talk to her if it wasn't about Cheng Ming.

"Hey," Ying Yue wanted to kiss his cheek but Yang Jian avoided her.

"What happened to Cheng Ming?"

She pouted. She wasn't stupid, of course she realised that Yang Jian wasn't in love with her anymore but she didn't want to lose him or Cheng Ming or Hang Yang...

"So, you don't love me anymore but Cheng Ming?"

Yang Jian's eyes widened, "how... how do you know?"

She laughed, "I'm not stupid, I saw how you were looking at him." She grabbed his hand, "but you know he isn't gay and he will hate you if you say you love him."

He saved his hand from her grip, "and why does it concern you?"

"Come back to me, I love you the most."

"The most?" Yang Jian laughed, "but I don't love you."

He left her behind, shaking with anger and went back to his faculty.

"If I won't have you, then you can't have him as well!"

Too bad, Yang Jian didn't hear her.


The next day, Ying Yue called Cheng Ming and asked him to come to her house after class. Like Yang Jian, Cheng Ming also didn't want to see her but she begged him, crying so bad that at the end he gave in.

Being true to his word, after the class, he went to her villa. A maid took him to her room where Ying Yue was sitting on the sofa with a blanket all around her body.

"Are you sick?" He closed the door and sat next to her.

She shook her head, a drop of tear rolled from her cheek, "I'm not sick, I'm just so ashamed."

"What do you mean?"

"Did Yang Jian tell you what he did to me yesterday?"

"Yang Jian? What do you mean?" Cheng Ming was so confused.

"Yesterday, he called me and told me to meet him in the green area. When I got there, he tried to kiss me, saying you're not an obstacle between him and I anymore," she wiped her fake tears, "I didn't let him kiss me as I'm true to you but then he got angry and tried to touch me!"


"Then I ran, leaving my bag behind. I was so terrified. I ran home," more tears to add to the drama, "it was so cold when I ran home...Please don't disgust me."

Cheng Ming hugged her tightly to comfort her. He didn't know what to think. A little voice in his head was saying Yang Jian would never do that but... she was crying in his arms...

He went back home while you're not an obstacle between him and I anymore was still echoing in his mind.

As he was so lost, he called W to ask further about the issue as he was one of the closest friends of Yang Jian and a classmate.

Unfortunately, W wasn't near Yang Jian by that time but he told Cheng Ming that he really rushed out after the class and when he came back he looked very angry and disappointed.

So it was true...

Cheng Ming was boiling with anger. He thought Yang Jian was his closest friend while Yang Jian planned everything to get Ying Yue. He was really a fox! He paced around the room but his anger didn't diminish.


Yes, he needed to take his revenge on Yang Jian. Both for himself and Ying Yue.


The next day, Cheng Ming acted as if nothing happened. They had breakfast as usual and went to the university with Cheng Ming's Honda.

At lunch time, Yang Jian told Cheng Ming not to wait for him after class as he and Tian Feng would be in the library finishing an assignment.

"Why don't you do it at home?"

"I will finish it today and put it into the professor's pigeon box so I won't come to school tomorrow only for this assignment."

"True, it is Saturday tomorrow," Cheng Ming smiled sweetly, "I will wait for you, call me when you are leaving the library," he said as a sudden revenge plan came into his mind.

Hearing those words, Yang Jian's heart melted like a piece of chocolate in hot milk.

Too bad that what Cheng Ming was actually offering wasn't hot milk but an ice-cream...A bitter one...

At 21.00

[We are done, I am leaving the library now.] YJ.

[I will wait for you in front of your faculty.] CM.

[ Cool! ] YJ.

Ten minutes later, Yang Jian arrived at his faculty, spotted Cheng Ming's lonely figure waiting for him at the door. The weather was pretty cold but the damn wolf didn't even have a scarf.

"Why didn't you wait inside? It is very cold out," Yang Jian led Cheng Ming into the faculty, "I will put this then we can go," he shook the papers in his hand.

Suddenly, Cheng Ming took Yang Jian's bag from his shoulder, "no need to carry it, I will hold it for you."

Let the revenge plan begin...

Unaware, happy, in love Yang Jian smiled and went up.

As soon as he disappeared from sight, Cheng Ming ran out with his bag. He knew Yang Jian was always putting his wallet and cell phone into the bag so by taking his bag, Cheng Ming wanted Yang Jian to go through the same experience Ying Yue did.

Running home in cold weather.

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