11. Drooling over the Fox

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Yang Jian didn't sleep the entire night, thinking. Until yesterday, he thought he was in love with Ying Yue. Wasn't she the reason for their entire conflict with Cheng Ming? He believed he really loved her as he did lots of stupid things to win her heart for almost two years but now he wasn't so sure.

He wasn't sure not only about Ying Yue but also Cheng Ming. He used to be his biggest enemy but then he realised that he was better than most of his friends. He genuinely liked his company but was that all? Just as a friend? Because they were spending too much time together? Then why was he very upset seeing him with Ying Yue?

He was jealous of Cheng Ming or Ying Yue?

I shouldn't be close to these two for a while, he murmured while the first lights of the sun filled the room.

"What's wrong with you?" Cheng Ming rushed to Yang Jian and put his slender fingers on his forehead to check his temperature, "are you sick?"

Yang Jian pushed his hand, the last thing he needed was physical contact with Cheng Ming.

"I couldn't sleep," he mumbled and rushed to the door.

"What about breakfast?" Cheng Ming yelled behind him but he had already left the house.

As Cheng Ming had no idea about Yang Jian's confused feelings, he didn't notice that he was trying to avoid him.

"What's wrong with him?!" shouted Cheng Ming in the empty house.

No answer was heard. Luckily. Otherwise it would be a supernatural story. No, we don't want that, romance is just fine.


For four days Yang Jian saw Cheng Ming as little as he could, making Cheng Ming puzzled with his changed behaviour. However, on the fifth day, his luck ran out.

"Yes?" Yang Jian answered the unknown call while he was walking with Tian Feng to the cafeteria.

"Can you get Cheng Ming from the infirmary?"

The phone almost fell from Yang Jian's hand. He turned around and ran to the infirmary, leaving confused Tian Feng behind.

He arrived at the infirmary with a record speed and rushed to the nurse, "where...is...he...Cheng Ming?" He was out of breath.

Before the nurse, Cheng Ming answered, "I'm here."

Yang Jian turned around and saw that Cheng Ming was sitting on the bed, his left foot was bandaged from the ankle.

"You are fine?" He rolled his eyes with discontent as he ran all the way thinking something really bad happened to him.

"You look sad because I am fine," Cheng Ming laughed, "evil fox!"

Yang Jian shook his head, "I...I am glad you are fine. I just..."

"You just what?" Cheng Ming kept pushing as it was the first time Yang Jian didn't know what to say.

"Nothing," he shrugged, "what happened?"

"I sprained my ankle during the basketball match."

"Is it serious?" he asked with a concerned voice. Cheng Ming also noticed that.

He patted Yang Jian's shoulder, "no worries, the doctor said it will heal in a few days," he smiled mischievously, "but I shouldn't step on it, you know."

Great news when I'm trying to avoid you, Yang Jian inwardly shouted while giving Cheng Ming a piggyback.


"For f* sake!" Yang Jian threw Cheng Ming on the sofa, "we need to buy a crutch! I can't carry you around like this, my back hurts!"

"We don't have money to buy," Cheng Ming said laughingly, "and don't exaggerate! I'm not that heavy."

Yang Jian looked at him angrily. Then a sudden thought filled his mind, "you know what, you are right, we don't have money to spend on a crutch so you have to stay home for the entire weekend and maybe on Monday too, depending on my mood."

The smile disappeared from Cheng Ming's face, "what do you mean? I don't want to stay at home for the weekend!"

Yang Jian ruffled his hair, "too bad, you needed to think this before getting hurt."

Leaving the sad boy behind, Yang Jian went to the kitchen to prepare lunch as they couldn't have it at the university.

Still sitting on the sofa where Yang Jian threw him earlier, Cheng Ming played with his phone for a while but his mind was still dwelling on Yang Jian's threat, so he put the phone aside. "Hey fox!" As he couldn't move around, he called Yang Jian.

No reply.

"Hey FOX!"

No reply.


No reply.

"Yang Jian, can you help me, PLEASEE!"

There is a reply.

"What do you want?"

"Help me to the kitchen, I'm bored alone."

Yang Jian sighed but still helped him to the kitchen. He helped him sit on the chair and gave him a package of frozen green peas as there was no ice-pack, then he continued to cook.

Cheng Ming put the package onto his injured ankle while smiling at Yang Jian's tsundere personality. As there was nothing he could do in the kitchen rather than sitting, Cheng Ming started to watch Yang Jian.

He wasn't into boys but Yang Jian looked very hot even for Cheng Ming. His tight white T-shirt and black jeans were revealing his muscular body lines while his reddish hair was shining under the light whenever he changed his position. Cheng Ming watched his white slender fingers chop the vegetables professionally.

"You sure know how to use your fingers", Cheng Ming said unconsciously, licking his lower lip.

"What did you say?" Yang Jian turned around to look at him.

"N...NOTHING!" Cheng Ming suddenly noticed what he said, "you continue!"

Omg! I was drooling over the fox! 

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