16. Reality Hurts...Not Really

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"Won't you ask how it was last night?" Cheng Ming asked Yang Jian with a smirk.

They were in the kitchen, studying for two hours. It wasn't surprising that he was bored already, and needed something to entertain him.

"No," Yang Jian didn't even look at him.

"Really? But Ying Yue was there as well, you know," he kept staring at Yang Jian's face to see his reaction.

Nothing. Cheng Ming frowned.

"She gave me a really cool gift."

"Probably a watch," Yang Jian looked at him daringly, "each year the same."

Cheng Ming pouted, 1-0 but he was unwilling to admit defeat.

"But this time, it is a very special one, you know."

Yang Jian already knew that the damn wolf was bullshitting but still he played along, "really?"

"I will show you," Cheng Ming jumped to his feet but Yang Jian grabbed his arm.

"First look at these," he showed him some files from his laptop.

"These are..."

"Yes, old exams of your major," he smiled contently, "I asked a friend for you and she sent these."

"Wow!" he clung to Yang Jian's arm, shaking him, "you are really something fox! Tell me your wish, I will grant it!"

"Don't forget your promise, I will really ask for something when the time comes," he saved his arm from Cheng Ming, "now let's see the gift."

Cheng Ming dragged Yang Jian to his room. He gave the watch box to Yang Jian so that he could look at it.

Yang Jian was really surprised, seeing the watch.

"Told you it was special," he clapped his hands.

"Not really actually," Yang Jian wouldn't want to upset him but he needed to wake up from that illusion. Reality hurts, right?

"Come with me," this time he dragged Cheng Ming to his room. He opened a drawer and took out a watch box, exactly the same as Cheng Ming's.

"Look," he said and opened the box, the same watch was in the box, "Ying Yue gave me this last year."


"Wake up, she doesn't like us! She just likes fame and money."

"This isn't true!" Cheng Ming said but in his heart, he wasn't that sure.

"How about this?" Yang Jian took another box from the same drawer and gave it to Cheng Ming.

"Why did you steal the gift I gave to her? Are you insane?!"

"I didn't steal it," Yang Jian took a deep breath, "I found it in the waste bin alongside with my flower pot."

"It can't be true!"

"Are you stupid? Use your brain for a change!"


"No but!" Yang Jian grabbed Cheng Ming's arms, "if you don't believe me ask her... ask her where the bracelet is."

Cheng Ming nodded as it was the only way to uncover the truth. He was heading to his room when Yang Jian stopped him.

"Give me back the bracelet."


"I kinda liked it so give it to me. It is what I want and you promised me to grant my wish."

Appalled, Cheng Ming gave the bracelet back to Yang Jian and went to his room to call Ying Yue.


"Hey Ying Yue, I have a quick question for you," his hand around the cell phone was sweaty with anxiety.

"Wow, no flirtation first? It should be serious."

Cheng Ming tried to laugh but his throat was too dry. "It is about the bracelet that I gave you as a present last time."

There was silence at the other end of the line.

"Do you still remember?"

"Y..Yes, what is it about?"

"The shop called me, apparently, there is a defect in the design so they asked for it back. But don't worry, they will give you a better one."

"Hmm," she didn't know what to say.

"You still have it, right?"

"Hmm, actually I lost it," she lied, "it was on my wrist when I was at the faculty but then I couldn't find it when I returned home."

"Really?" Cheng Ming wanted to add bitch to the end but he didn't.

"I am sorry."

"No problem, see you later," he ended the call, at the same time Yang Jian entered the room.

"Did you listen?"

"I didn't need to listen as your face tells," he punched him softly on the arm.

Cheng Ming saw the bracelet on Yang Jian's wrist, "so you really liked it?"

Yang Jian nodded. Putting his arm around Cheng Ming's shoulder, "with this, we officially have nothing to fight for."

They laughed wholeheartedly.

"I thought I would be devastated but surprisingly I feel free!"

Yang Jian was so happy to hear that. He stood up, pulling Cheng Ming as well.

"What now? What else I don't know?"

"Stupid wolf, you have lots of things you don't know especially about your major so let's continue to study."

Cheng Ming followed Yang Jian with a smile on his face.

Thank you, fox. From now on I won't let anything come between our friendship.

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