10. Confused Feelings

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First book... second book... third book...

Reading, then listening to the analysis of the book from Yang Jian soon became Cheng Ming's new hobby. It required no money and was entertaining...What was better than that!

He was also having so much fun listening to Yang Jian's explanations. He couldn't help but stare at him, swayed by his strong aura. However, when Yang Jian noticed him staring at him, he was hitting his head with the pen, forcing him to focus again. Not to his face but to his words.

Looking from Yang Jian's perspective, it was obvious that he was also having so much fun with Cheng Ming. He would never think Cheng Ming to be interested in literature but there he was, sitting on his bed next to him, listening attentively while his eyes were wide open, looking way too cute for his poor heart.

The pen fell from his grip as he noticed what he was thinking.

"What happened?" Cheng Ming lifted his head to look at Yang Jian's face which made their faces apart from each other only an inch.

Startled by the close proximity, Yang Jian tilted his head to the other side, "nothing," he got the pen back with a shaky hand, "let's continue."

Oh God, his heart was beating very fast...

After they finished the analysis, they moved to the kitchen for a well-deserved dinner. While Yang Jian was cooking, Cheng Ming was sitting in front of the table, playing with his phone.

"Look, there is a movie adaptation of this book!" Cheng Ming said excitedly, "do you wanna watch tonight?"

Yang Jian smiled. I can easily adapt to live like this, he said inwardly.


"Yeah, we can watch after dinner," he continued to cook.

As they were quite happy, something needed to happen to disturb the peace. Otherwise it wouldn't be a story but a miracle.

Ding... Ding... Ding...

Cheng Ming got his phone from the sofa.

[I reserved two seats for you and Yang Jian for my show two days later at 19.00. You know the place already, XOXO!] Ying Yue.

Ying Yue was a professional ballerina. The dance academy she belonged to was holding regular dance shows and Ying Yue was getting tickets for them each time. Of course Yang Jian and Cheng Ming were used to going to each show to prove their love. With a gift. A very expensive gift. It was a must.

Reading the message, Cheng Ming jumped to his feet, "OMG!"

Yang Jian paused the movie before asking "what happened?"

"Ying Yue has a show in two days!" Cheng Ming was walking in circles in the living room, his hands were around his head.

Seeing him all hyped up because of Ying Yue irritated Yang Jian. He coldly said "so what? It is not something new."

"Stupid fox!" he stood before Yang Jian, "the gift! What will we give to her?"

"As we don't have money, something cheap!"

"Sure!" Cheng Ming yelled, "so that she can kill us!"

The conversation was getting into Yang Jian's nerves more and more with each remark. He turned off the laptop as he lost his enthusiasm, "if she doesn't appreciate our efforts, then it means she is after our money!"

He went to his room and slammed the door, making Cheng Ming shocked.


"How do I look?"

Very handsome, Yang Jian said inwardly while "ugly as a duck," outwardly.

"You are just jealous," Cheng Ming said although he knew it wasn't true. Yang Jian was as handsome as himself with that tight jeans and white shirt whose first three buttons were open, exposing his white chest.

You don't miss any chance to expose yourself, he murmured while opening two buttons of his pink shirt as well.

Seeing him, mimicking himself, Yang Jian laughed softly.

"Here you are!" Ying Yue suddenly put her arms around their shoulders, "how did you like the show?" It was a rhetorical question.

"Breathtaking!" Cheng Ming turned around and held her hands in his hands.

Yang Jian went white next to him while Ying Yue laughed contentedly. Then she looked at Yang Jian as it was his turn to compliment her.

"It was very nice," he mumbled.

Ying Yue pursed her lips, "you study literature and the only compliment you have is 'very nice', is that so?"

Yang Jian didn't reply.

Seeing the opportunity to shine, Cheng Ming turned her towards himself, "he is just a stupid fox who can't appreciate a goddess."

Her mood lifted again, "and the gifts?"

Yang Jian gave her the pink Geranium in a silver pot.

She got the pot but kept looking at Yang Jian, "and?"

"That's all," Yang Jian shrugged, "you already know we are broke now."

She didn't like that any, so she turned to Cheng Ming with expected eyes.

"Here," Cheng Ming shyly gave her a jewellery box, "I know you deserve much more than this but please forgive me this time. Next time, I will buy you whatever you want."

Yang Jian rolled his eyes, stupid wolf, you spent all of your allowance on that gift, he grunted.

She opened the box and saw it was a leather bracelet with a silver sun figure. It was very cute but it wasn't a well-known brand so she didn't like it. Still, she murmured "thank you guys, I liked them" with a fake smile before she left them there to change her clothes.

After she came back, the trio moved to the exit but she noticed that she left her cellphone in the dressing room.

"I will get it for you," Yang Jian said hastily and went back without waiting for her answer.

He needed some time away from them. He didn't know why but suddenly Ying Yue started to irritate him. Maybe I was too in love to notice her real face, he thought on his way back to the dressing room.

Getting the phone from the table, he saw that the flower and the bracelet were in the waste bin.

"How ironic is that," he touched the petals gently, "Geranium means 'I am always with you' while she just threw you away."

He got the flower pot, the bracelet box and the cellphone, and went back to the main hall where Cheng Ming and Ying Yue were waiting.

"Here," he gave the phone to Ying Yue.

"Let's go drink something," Cheng Ming said and Ying Yue nodded, pretending she didn't see the pot in Yang Jian's hand.

"I am tired, I will go home," Yang Jian needed time to think about his feelings. He was way too confused to fake as if everything was OK.

"Wait," Cheng Ming yelled behind him.

Expectedly, Yang Jian turned around, "yes?"

"The flower," he pointed to the pot Yang Jian was holding, "you forgot to give it to her back."

Yang Jian sighed, "I guess she doesn't want it so I am taking it back." He didn't mention the bracelet in his pocket.

He left without giving a single glance to Ying Yue.

Yang Jian was heartbroken, Ying Yue was angry and Cheng Ming was happy.

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