7. The Peace Deal

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"So, you want a peace deal, did I hear it correctly?" Cheng Ming turned off the TV to hear Yang Jian better. He thought he misheard him. Peace? Really?

Yang Jian sat on the other end of the sofa, "yes, I don't want to waste my energy to make your life miserable," he stared at Cheng Ming's eyes, "aren't you bored to fight all the time?"

Cheng Ming nodded unconsciously as he remembered the disaster of last night's party and the nice feeling of finding breakfast in the morning.

"I didn't expect our fathers to be this much determined, you know," he started but then decided not to beat around the bush so he said "I admit that I also got bored planning those pranks."

"So?" Yang Jian was looking at him expectantly.

"Stupid fox can't understand what he hears!"

"Proud wolf can't honestly admit his mistakes!"

Tak...Tak...Tak... The door silenced them.

The fox and the wolf looked at each other with confusion as none of them was expecting someone. Cheng Ming went to open the door and froze at the door, "Dad!"

"Your dad is here?!" Yang Jian jumped to his feet.

"And yours as well," added Mr. Yang before pushing the frozen Cheng Ming aside and coming in with Mr. Cheng.

"What are you doing here?" Yang Jian was first to react.

"We came to see your progress," Mr. Cheng looked around with surprised eyes, "it looks surprisingly clean, well done!"

"And you managed not to kill each other, that's nice as well," Mr. Yang looked at them carefully to see if there were any injuries but there was nothing. "So, tell us how living together is?"

Cheng Ming and Yang Jian looked at each other to communicate silently.

"It is pretty OK," Yang Jian started, hoping that they could go back home after that night.

"Really?" Mr. Cheng couldn't believe his ears, "how do you divide the work?"

"He cooks and I clean," Cheng Ming answered quickly. It wasn't a lie though, Cheng Ming really cleaned and Yang Jian really cooked so Cheng Ming only omitted that they did those only once.

There was silence in the living room as the fathers tried to process the information they got.

"As we did pretty well, can we go back home?" Cheng Ming decided to try his luck. Yang Jian was holding his breath next to him.

"No," they answered together, breaking the boys' hearts.

"But..." Yang Jian wanted to object but his father silenced him with a glance. Still, as he was pretty content with their progress, he gave them some money as a reward.

Nothing to ask further, Mr. Cheng and Mr. Yang decided to leave.

"By the way, we learnt that you were still giving your clothes to the dry cleaner by using our names, don't do it again. You can manage to use the washing machine, right?"

The door closed.

Disappointed, Yang Jian and Cheng Ming collapsed on the sofa.

"So, our peace agreement still holds?"

"As if we had another chance, stupid fox!"

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