9. A New Hobby

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Although Cheng Ming said reading wasn't for him, he started to read Frankenstein. Secretly. He didn't want to look as if he was obeying Yang Jian's commands so he started to read it before sleeping.

He really didn't like the first few chapters and considered quitting. But then he forced himself to continue as he wondered why Yang Jian was so impressed by that boring book. Therefore, he kept reading and soon he got hooked on the book.

In ten days, he finished the book. It was the first time after five years that he managed to finish a book.

An insignificant happening for the world but a huge achievement for Cheng Ming.

Reading the last sentence, Cheng Ming threw the book to his bed and rushed to Yang Jian's room.

He barged in without knocking, "what kind of an ending it is!"

Of course, Yang Jian was clueless about what he was saying. He spun his chair to look at the furious boy standing at the door, "What?"

"The ending! They both died!" He yelled at Yang Jian as if he was the one who wrote the book.

Yang Jian's eyes widened as he understood what he was talking about. "Did you read Frankenstein?"

Cheng Ming covered his mouth as his secret was out because of his stupidity.

Yang Jian burst into laughter, "you really read it!"

"So what!" He turned his back to the still laughing boy to go back to his room as he was about to die out of embarrassment.

Yang Jian dashed forward and grabbed his arm, "where are you going? Didn't I promise to explain it to you?" He shook his arm to convince him, "common, get the book and I will explain it for you. You will like it for sure."

Cheng Ming didn't move, thinking what to do. At the end, his curiosity won over his pride. "Mnm," he mumbled before going to his room to get the book.

They sat on Yang Jian's bed side by side. The book was in Yang Jian's hand. He was showing the sentences that he already highlighted during the class and explaining what they meant.

Surprisingly, Cheng Ming was very attentive, he was listening to everything Yang Jian said with great interest, even he was surprised by his own curiosity.

"Wow..." he said when Yang Jian finished explaining. He couldn't find any other word.

With a sudden urge, Yang Jian ruffled Cheng Ming's mushroom hair. He liked the sensation as it was so soft, "so you liked it?"

He pushed his hand away, feeling weird, "I have to kill myself for saying this but I really liked it."

Contentedly, Yang Jian put the book to its rightful place, then he got another book and handed it to Cheng Ming.

"The Drowned World?" he looked at Yang Jian puzzled, "why are you giving this to me?"

"So that you can read, stupid wolf!" he pushed Cheng Ming out of his room, saying "it is your new assignment. Just be careful not to damage it."

The door was closed to his face.

"But..." Cheng Ming looked at the book he was holding, "I can give it a chance...I guess..."

He didn't want to admit it but actually Cheng Ming was very happy to have a new hobby as he had nothing better to do at home. For the last week, his friends were always busy with something and Ying Yue was playing hard-to-get card again. Cheng Ming would like to go clubbing but now they had very limited money in their hands so he needed to save both for paying the student who was doing his assignments and in case Ying Yue wanted to go out with him soon.

He put the book carefully to his desk while murmuring, you are not so bad, fox.

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