12. Doomed

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Being determined to use his injury to the fullest, Cheng Ming didn't give Yang Jian time to breath. I need to go to the toilet, I want to go up, I want to go down....

And it was still the same day.

Poor Yang Jian tried his best not to kill him...or not to kiss him? Both? Killing by kissing...or... kissing by killing?

Yes. He was very confused and Cheng Ming made everything worse by clinging to him like a piece of gum. A sexy piece of gum. But still a gum.

"Can you be a little quick? I am about to pee myself!"

Yang Jian stopped suddenly, "stop talking near my ear!" He was feeling his ears getting red.

Cheng Ming chuckled, "are you shy?"

"Oh my!" Yang Jian threw Cheng Ming into the bathroom and closed the door.

You needed to heal soon otherwise one of us will be dead soon, he murmured towards the door.

A second later, Yang Jian heard the voice of water, "damn wolf! Are you taking a shower?!"

No reply but more water.

Ten minutes later, Cheng Ming called Yang Jian to collect him from the bathroom. Opening the door, the steam hit Yang Jian's face, then he saw half naked Cheng Ming and the steam hit his private part this time.

I swear he is doing this intentionally, he said inwardly.

"I know I am so hot for both genders but aren't you exaggerating?" He pushed his bangs back, "you devoured me with your eyes, you know."

Yang Jian shook his head, "damn wolf, you need to stop taking steroids!"

"What steroids! You know I don't use them!"

"Whatever," Yang Jian mumbled before taking him back to his room.

Returning to his own room, Yang Jian lay down on the bed. He could still feel the warmth on his fingers where he touched Cheng Ming. Now he was sure...

He buried his face in his pillow and yelled "How can it be possible, I will lose my mind!"

Liking a boy wasn't the problem as Yang Jian was bisexual. Although he didn't tell anyone, he also dated a few guys in high school.

The problem was Cheng Ming! His love rival! His biggest enemy! Ok, he wasn't his biggest enemy, no need to be that dramatic but still...

He was hunted while he was supposed to hunt.

And the biggest problem of all: CHENG MING WAS NOT GAY OR BISEXUAL. Therefore, he couldn't even dream about being with him. But he didn't want to leave him either.

I am doomed...

"Hey fox, can you-"


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