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You know that feeling that runs through your body when you are watching a romantic scene with your crush just centimeters away.

"ummmm l think we should watch something else" l said. "No its perfectly fine , wait! are you a virgin." that is the most wierd question that l hate when people ask me all the time. l could see Wanjema' s eyes stuck on mine through the reflection of my laptop light, implying l can't evade the question.

" Does it matter? if l am or not! " l asked him as l furrow my brows.  He licked his lower tongue very suggestively and in a cute way, making my nerves rush from my brain to my toes, my heart skipping a beat. l couldn't explain that moment.

"Can l kiss you?" he asked ,his eyes widening a little bit and blinking halfway trying to lean in.
as our lips almost touch, l could feel his breath like warm wind brushing against my lips. The feeling made my heartbeat increase yearning for more, and then a familiar voice interrupts the moment
" shiqs, please help is with sugar, ours is through ,pleeaasee" Brian shouted from the door.

These made me push Wanjema as if l was doing something wrong and sinful. l rushed to the door while grabbing the sugar container, opened the door and gave him.

" shiqs, why are you giving it to me as if you are chasing where, btw is Wanjema here? he asked.
wanjema interrupting " yeap Brian,is there  something you want?" " No, just want to confirm if l should count you in breakfast or Shiqs is sorting you out!".

My brain cells are having conversations at that time like when will this Brian leave? is Wanjema even crushing on me or to him he's just enjoying the moment nothing serious?..

Suddenly he sturtled me me"Shiqs ,you just zoned out are you okay? lock the door, the cold breeze" as he shivers his body. " o-o-o-h yeess the cold breeze, too cold right" l said as l hit my forehead for replying  a  stupid answer.

l throw myself on the bed by coincidence near his warm body, l could feel warmness diffusing from his skin to mine.

My phone vibrates, a message from Martha, my Best friend " Shiqs, are you at your house or in school, am already around school and our class is at 2 can l come over?"

Why now? am having such a good moment here, she just decides to text right now. l was so devastated.

"Just come over, l have some good news you won't believe what Happened" l texted back .  we continued to watch the movie while just chatting random things from the movie.

All for love sakeWhere stories live. Discover now