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OMG!! l was so schocked and he looked tipsy and if he continues he'll surely be wasted.

l decide to go check up on him real quick, before Sam turns around and sees me.

"Ken, what are you doing to yourself! are you here alone?" l asked him.

Making up 'combo words' l got the impression of him saying with so much heaviness, " Why do you care, you don't  even want me right!! .... just let me be, Goo,  just Gooo!! ......am fine...l can handle myself."

At this point am so confused, do l take Ken home or do l stay with Sam.

An idea hit me, l walked back at our table and said, "Babe, please give me one minute l call a taxi for my friend over there ... he's wasted!! pleaaaseee."

" Okay sure how can l help?" Sam requested.

As l pointed to his direction, " There he is, just bring him outside as l go find a taxi."

This is one of the reasons l love Sam, he's so kind and unselfish, as long as something its important to me, its important to him too.

Just outside the bar and restaurant, a taxi is already there. l instructed him directions to take my buddy home.

"oohh, here he his!, babe hurry "

At least he's safe and finnally the driver drove off.

l turned to Sam and asked, " So where were we? " as l pull him closer

To my shock, he threw off my hands as he kept on saying , "How dare you!!"

At this moment am so confused and wondered what l've done wrong to deserve this kind of treatment.

"Ooohhh!! now you  don't know what you've done,
whose that guy? l thought you said he is your friend, but he told me alot of things thaaatt........."
l could feel how hurt he is from saying those words.

l couldn't help but start being emotional, "What are you talking about, he's just my friend l swear babe, trust me."

"You're talking of trust, you're still lying waooww!! he says with so much furry.

" You know what, never mind this is useless, l bet you'll run to his arms again."

He  then turns around and leaves me there stranded, we haven't even ordered the meal.
Everything was going well until l decided to help Ken.

What has he really told Sam, l have never seen that type of anger before. Is this about the day l slept over or what!!

l felt like going to Ken's house and confronting him for trying to spoil my relationship, but right now he's intoxicated, no much of help.

l called an Uber and by 40minutes am home.

l entered my apartment and realized Ann is not around and it's 9 o'clock, but l could see her books open.

l decide to just go at the rooftop and just think about my life cause it seem like the universe is trying so hard to separate me and Sam.

From a distance as l climbed up l could hear someone sobbing.

l rushed upstairs and found Ann comforting Sam.


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