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My love for Sam grew each day, learning something new about him. l could hear someone mention my babe and l would just get excited.

We spent our free times together, especially when we had a common day off from lectures. We could watch movies and cuddle up, eat alot, workout later together.  For the first time, l felt something real and flows naturally. We went for dates, our first official date as a couple, he is just the most romantic guy l ever encountered. l felt blessed, and started to thank God for his favor upon my life.

Hours turned to days, days to weeks, weeks to months. it was finally  six months to our relationship, never had a fight, just few disagreements.

One day in the evening just the three of us laughing and suddenly  heavy raindrops  start to pour and l had washed all my  clothes, so l dashed outside, up the stairs.

On my way back just near the door l could hear whispers, arguments from Ann and my babe.

Ann whispers, " Have you told her yet?"

" shshshs , Don't shout she could hear us, I'll tell her not yet the time."

" it's been six months....." immediately l stormed in the door full of clothes from the hanging line.

"Whatt did l miss l could hear you guys whisper about telling me something." l said.

"uuuhhh, naahh! You heard wrong ,probably from the heavy rains." Ann answered.

"C'mon, someone speak up before my anger shoots up, Sam you want to lie on my face too?" l asked with anger written all over my face.

"Uuhhh!!okay, l need to tell you something!"
Sam says so  shakingly as he comes near me to make me sit.

"Ummm guys you are scaring me , l hope all is well." l said.

" Baby, l did not know how to say this from the start .......     ..... but....but,,,,,but l h-a--v-e a kid,l did not know of him just recently when we start dating my ex shows up with a month old baby of whom l didn't have a clue of please believe me." he said almost crying.

"What??  a baby!???😱😱, what !!l can't believe you kept it a secret for six months, does my cousin know?" l asked with furry .

"uuhh!!! babe relax, uuhh!! yes the day you found us that day we first argued, that's the day l realized and l mentioned to your cousin asking her for advice on how l unveil it to you. But don't get mad at her, she cares about you as much as l do!"

l just wept , the schock was too much to bear.

l stormed out the door with rains thankfully it had reduced to manyunyu and thankfully too l had little money on me and my phone too.

l called Ken and asked if l could go over his place l was at a bad place. He told me to order an Uber he will pay upon arrival.

l remember sobbing and sobbing at the backseat of the Uber and wet too. l felt betrayed by my own blood and the love of my life.

A KID, l couldn't believe it.

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