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" C'mon we're leaving now," Yvonne bursted into the room. l could feel a little bit of tension from her, so l asked " Where are you taking me? please l need to go back home!! You cannot do this to me!"

The guys had gone leaving  only me and her " Hey! aarrrg!! you are so annoying am taking you back, this was just useless haha😂😂 " she started laughing like a crazy person.

So she politely tells me to stay at the back of the Van as she drives me back home. l just complied, l had no option but to adhere to her.

In thika

" Wait, this is not my place, where are we!!!! ......" l mumbled but l could hear my friends voices from a distance calling my name. So l came out of the Van so excited to see my friends and mostly my boyfriend.  From now on l won't take anyone for granted, for a moment l thought l'll never see them again.

They all embraced me until l became emotional especially when l hugged Sam, the last time l checked we were not in good terms, but hugging him, and him hugging me back tightly , t'was everything l wished for and more. l felt safe in his arms again.

" Let's get out here, let her mum handle her, l can't even waste my energy on her , she's a freak." Sam added.

" Yeah, we are glad you're in one piece though." Brian said with a big laughter, Austin joining him
" broh this real s*** here, just like in the movies haha."

On the bus heading back home.

" Ooh babe, l love you more than l loved you yesterday, sorry for how l acted up last time, l just felt bad you dare go into another man's arms when things get bad." Sam said.

" No!! that is not what happened, babe you could have asked me first, l even slept on the couch. He respects me to even touch me inappropriately.
But when l came back home, l found my cousin comforting you, holding your hands!!! What was that?" l said.

" What do you mean?" he asked as if he didn't Know what am talking about!

" Yes, l came on the rooftop and found you both, What l don't understand and doesn't make sense is that Ann is always there when you're having a breakdown, Do you find comfort in her?"

"No!!, she's .........." he chuckles...." She's your cousin and she knows and respects that am yours, and She just cares about us that's all, Don't be jealous babe haha, l can only love one and thats you." He leans in to give me kiss.

l couldn't wait to get back home and spoil him😅😅.

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