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Its on a Saturday afternoon,  everyone is just chilled at their homes.

Ken wakes up and wonders how he got home in the first place. He can't remember what went down the previous night.

Sam is chilling with his friends playing PS 4, while Ann is just resting in the house.

A Phone get to ring in the house as Ann was relaxing on the bed.

Ann wonders where the phone is ringing from, "but it sounds like my cousin's ringtone,"she thought to herself. She follows the sound and it leads her to a black jacket placed on top of the clothes in the closet.

It's Martha calling.......
but if her phone and jacket is here ,then where might she be? Does that mean she came home earlier on?? She never goes anywhere without her phone!  let me just pick it!

Yes Martha,"

" uuhhh!! heeeeyy Ann wheeeere is Shiqs, l need some information about something!" Martha replied.

"l don't Know l have not seen her yet but her phone is in the house this whole time." Ann replied

" Maybe she is with Sam, obviously, have you asked him?  Martha asks.

" Mmmhh!! btw let ask, I'll tell her you called. bye.
and quickly hangs up the phone and walk towards Sam's friends apartment.

Knocks twice and lets herself in, as she looks around.
" l thought I'll find cousin here, Sam have you seen her? her phone was in he black jacket the whole time, thats assuarance she came home!!."

"Why would l know, maybe she went to be with Ken for all care."Sam answered rudely.

”Wait!!" Austin interrupted " She came yesterday shortly after you arrived bro and asked of your whereabouts and we told her you went to the rooftop."

" Are you serious? " Ann asked.
" Yes, affirm from Brian" Austin said.
" it's true bro," Brian said.

" So what do we do, ooh!! l think l can contact Ken from her phone, maybe she went to his place." Ann added.

She dials Ken contact,
" Hey ken, this Shiq's cousin, is she with you? she did not spend the night at home."

" What do you mean if she is with me!! why would she be with me!! but your speaking through her phone, isn't she there?

" No she isn't."

"l don't know then, mayb her boyfriend's place! " he said as he hanged up the call.

" wait, wait, hello helloo??? "Ann is left talking to herself. " He hanged up on me thou he sounded agitated"

She turns to the boys and say," Nope, he didn't know either?"

Almost when she about to leave Sam receives a call from Yvonne, his ex.

my ex is calling, can't she just leave me the hell alone.  let me give her a piece of my mind.

" What do you want you......"  Sam gets interrupted.

" l bet you wanna watch how you talk to me baby,
shshshshshshs!!! l have your girl here. You think you can just dump me for one mistake and think I'll let you be peaceful with another!!! No! a big No!!!"

Sam froze , aghast and stunned, he could fathom what he just heard.

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