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November 15th

Bastard: Hello Sunshine :)

Naruto: Hey Bastard

Naruto: How is your Saturday so far???

Bastard: Good, yours?

Naruto: Good, i had to clean my room though

Naruto: what have you done so far?

Bastard: wake up, like seven minutes ago

Bastard: texting you is the first thing I've done this morning besides brushing my teeth

Naruto: lucky

Naruto: I never get to sleep in, unless my uncle had to go to work early. But that barely happens since he just works in an office.

Bastard: My brother works at night so we both normally sleep in until the afternoon and hang out a bit before he has to go to work.

Naruto: So, you have a brother? Any other siblings??

Bastard: No, my family is pretty small.

Naruto: So is mine

Naruto: What else don't I know about you?

Bastard: Basically everything, it's not like we ever talk at school and I haven't told you anything.

Naruto: True

Naruto: So what's your favorite color? Or something else about yourself?

Bastard: I like blue, but like the darker shades normally. But your eyes are pretty too. ;)

Bastard: What is your favorite color?

Naruto: Orange, which you probably already know.

Bastard: I guess, since you wear it all the time

Naruto: What about hobbies? Do you play any sports or anything.

Bastard: I like to read, and play video games. But nothing intense, just like Pokémon or animal crossing.

Naruto: Dude, favorite Pokémon, go!

Bastard: Luxray or Lugia

Bastard: They're both pretty cool

Bastard: What about you? Do you have a favorite

Naruto: Vulpix is pretty cute

Naruto: And badass

Naruto: Ninetails would be cooler if they didn't change the color pallet.

Bastard: Vulpix isn't nearly as cute as you though ;)

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