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November 24th

     Calmly, Sasuke started to gather his few things from the table to go meet Naruto. "Where are you going?" Sai asked, looking at the other boy with a keen look. Sasuke brushed him off and continued to repack his notes and lunch. He never really talked to the people at his table, more just did his own thing. "Seriously, where?"

     "I just remembered I was supposed to go ask Kakashi about my last project." And with the short and irritated comment he walked away. He couldn't believe Naruto actually knew who he was. Sure he was close,  but even that he thought was just pure luck. Maybe he gave the cute blond less credit because of his jumpy personality. And now that he put thought to it he was in his Ap bio class and his ap civics class. Maybe they had more in common than he thought.

     He was at the doors opening to by he stairwell when he finally begun to comprehend the amount of embarrassment he was feeling. Not only had he confessed his feelings over text, the two have also touched on the topic about how much of a jerk he is. Maybe Naruto wasn't here to even talk, maybe he wanted to yell at him.

      While he was waiting awkwardly at the doorway processing his thoughts his phone buzzed.

Naruto: Hurry up!!!

Naruto: I just want to talk

     And with that small dose of cute blond he pushed the doors open to go meet him. Naruto must have heard them, because by the time he got to the bottom of the stairs Naruto was peeking out from under them. "Hey goofball." Sasuke tried to grin in a sweet manner, but it looked more nervous than flirty. Naruto looked down at his shoes, for being so confident before he felt like his heart was jumping up and down. The disconnect was clear.

     "Texting you is so much easier," Naruto said, looking up to meet Sasuke's eyes. "You want to sit?" He nodded and they slid down to the ground. Sasuke twiddled his fingers. He never thought Naruto would even respond to his first text, let alone that it would lead to him knowing who he was. Maybe he had flirted a bit too much, and opened up a bit too fast. "So, you like me?"

     "Yes." Sasuke answered. One of the things he liked about Naruto was how blunt he was. Maybe he learned something from him, "Since last school year. You may not remember, but we sat next to each other in ap chem. And you were always joking around, it was super cute, but also really irritating at the same time when I would be trying to take notes. And then, now we're here."

The two boys looked at each other for a moment, not sure really how to respond to Sasuke's gentleness. "Wow, you're such a sap. Anyway, when do you want to get that ramen you promised? I thought maybe we could go Saturday. Or I guess we could go tomorrow or something since there won't be school anyway." Naruto said, bringing them to the topic of his 'winning' of the deal. Sasuke gave a small laugh, he didn't even think about their previous ramen conversations until then.

     "Yeah, that sounds fun." He said, giving a small nod. "What about tonight? I don't know if I'll have any free time after today, since my brother will probably want to hang out. If that's okay with you."

     "Of course, we should definitely go to Ichiruka's. It's the best in town." Naruto said, smiling like shameless idiot. "I'll text you the details?"

     Sasuke nodded and they both stood back up as the bell rang. Before they parted he gave a small wave and wink to Naruto and went to his next class.

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