Call me!!

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November 22nd

Sasuke waited patiently as he stared down at his phone screen. Naruto said he would call as soon as he finished doing the dishes, and his nerves we're going crazy. What if he recognized his voice and hung up? Or worse, started lecturing him or took it all as a joke?

Suddenly his time was shot as his hands started to sense the buzzing movement that grew in his hands. Quickly he answered the call, and took a deep breath. "Hey," he said and squeezed his bed sheets under him. "So, nice weather today, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess. I kinda just want it to snow though, I mean it is November. We need a snow day soon or school will be the death of me." Naruto's words put a sense of ease over Sasuke's rushing thoughts.


"Are you okay? Your voice sounds shaky," Naruto asked, not sure what else to talk about.

"Yeah, just nervous is all. I mean I am trying to chat with the cutest bitch out there." Sasuke didn't mean to curse, but when all you do is speak in curses it's kind of hard to sensor your words in real time. In his messages he had come off decent, more than a pissy teen. Caught off guard he heard Naruto giggling through the speaker, was giggle the right word? "Sorry."

"No, you're good. Just that, normally you come off as some shy timid dude struggling to even respond and you just said bitch. Well, actually you called me a bitch."

"In the badass way though, not the mean way," Sasuke points out. His face held an anxious smile, but he was getting along better than he expected himself to. Earlier he was panicking that he would just get too embarrassed and hang up. "So, what Have you done today? Besides watch a porno with your uncle."

"Hey, it was a romance movie! That just happened to be inappropriate." Naruto felt like he recognized the other boy's voice, but he still couldn't place it. "I just did some chores really, and worked on some homework that I needed to catch up on. Nothing that interesting." There was a beat of silence. "What did you do today?"

"I went out to dinner with my brother. We went out for pizza. And I saw Kakashi out. He was walking around with some dude in all green. It was like a scene from a nightmare. He had a bowl cut like Lee, and he kept trying to challenge him to a fight." Sasuke laughed a bit at the memory before continuing, "It's weird seeing teachers outside of school."

"Yeah, I get what you mean. Sometimes I see Iruka at my favorite ramen shop and he always talks to me. I mean it's nice, but also a weird concept that teachers have such different lives outside of school."

     The boys rambled on for another twenty minutes about nothing important, and finally reached the topic Sasuke's identity. "Come on, please just another clue? I promise I won't be weird about it."

     "Fine, don't say I've never done anything for you," Sasuke said, thinking of something he could tell Naruto without putting himself too out there. "Um, I am in two of your classes. And last year we also shared one class. Does that help you at all?"

     "A little bit, by the end of this month I bet I'll be able to know who you are. I just need to get a little bit of help."

     "No, that's cheating. And I'm not out yet so I don't want anyone to know." Naruto was surprised by that, though it did make a lot more sense as to why he was so stubborn on keeping his name to himself. "How about if you figure out who I am before then I will take you out for some ramen. As much as you want. Deal?"

     "Deal!" Naruto almost yelled back. "But isn't that more a reward for you then me. It would be a date right?" He asked, smirking to himself over the phone.

     "Not if you don't want it to be, but if you do I'm all for it."

     "That sounds good to me. Anyway, it's getting a bit late to be in a call. Do you want to hang up." Naruto stated, more worried about making things awkward with the proposal of a date rather than the time on the clock.

     "Sure. Goodnight Sunshine." Naruto exchanged a quick goodbye back before they ended the call. The rest of the night all a Naruto could do was try and figure out who 'Bastard' could be.

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