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November 25th

     "Hey, you ready to go?" Sasuke asked, glancing up from his seat on the bench to see Naruto. The blond was gripping the strap of his backpack, filled with nerves and excitement.

     "As long as you're still paying." Naruto joked, smiling at his classmate.

"I am," Sasuke looked around, casually avoiding eye contact, "So, which way is Ichiruka's? Is it close enough to walk to. I don't want to try to get my car out of the parking lot right now." Naruto nodded, before turning towards the road leading towards downtown.

"It's only a few blocks this way. It's a really short walk." The blond said, pointing out over the sea of students towards the busy streets close to their school. Carefully the teens started to walk together towards the ramen house, not sure what else to talk about.

     Soon they were out of the crowd of people, and walking quietly along the sidewalk together. Naruto was trying to think of a good way to bring up a nagging thought in the back of his head, while Sasuke kept nervously glancing over at him.

"Hey, Naruto." Sasuke said, catching the blond's attention. "Do you, um, want this to be a date? I know you said you would decide if you wanted it to be or not when you met me. So, is it? I mean like no pressure or anything, but well..." His voice became a series of incoherent mumbles after that until he promptly looked to Naruto in confusion.

"Um, no." He said, immediately getting a small 'oh' from the teen beside him. "Not I'm a bad way or anything. Let's just see how this goes, and maybe the next time we hang out it can be." The blond explained, hoping not to damage the Uchiha's feelings.

"So, there will be a next time?" Sasuke asked, glancing into blue eyes. Naruto nodded his head gently, and finally showed a smile without his nerves ruining it. "That sounds fun. Maybe we could hang out in the park or something next time. Instead of a restaurant."

"Sure. Let's hurry up a bit though, it's cold out. I don't want to freeze before we even get to hang out once, let alone twice." Naruto chuckled, along with Sasuke as they began to speed up until they arrived at Naruto's favorite place. Inside was warm, and without the chilly breeze biting at Sasuke's skin, he could no longer deny he was blushing.

Together they went to the bar seats, Naruto's spot, and set their stuff beside them. "What can I get you today, Naruto?" A girl asked from behind the counter. She looked a few years older than them, probably college age.

"I'll take my usual, Ayame." He said, looking over at the boy beside him. Sasuke was studying the mente for another moment before naming a simple miso based ramen. "Thank you."

"I guess you come her a lot then, Sunshine." Naruto immediately blushed at the nickname, causing Sasuke to smirk. It was fun to talk to Naruto in person, even if it made Sasuke panic internally. "What else do you like to eat, besides this?" He asked, gesturing to the whole shop around them.

"I like barbecue, and really anything dessert. What about you? Do like anything besides tomatoes?" Naruto asked, sending a teasing smirk at the boy in front of him.

"Um, I like tuna."

"Are you trying to make me not like you?" Naruto joked, bumping his shoulder into Sasuke's. Sasuke shot a glare at the blond and rolled his eyes, before returning the gesture by gently kicking his foot.

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