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December 3rd

Naruto quickly threw his bag over his shoulder and strode over to Sasuke's table. Gaara, who was also there, looked up and practically growled at the blond before storming off. Tsunade, their teacher, had her planning period that class so her room remained vacant after she left to go talk to her friends in the teachers lounge. That left just the two, awkward teenagers alone as Naruto sat down. "Hey."

"Can't we ignore this and go to class?" Sasuke asked, his entire face covered in a desperate expression. He couldn't remember exactly what he said the night before, and he definitely wasn't going to check, but he knew it was partially about feeling like a place holder. "I mean it was just a bunch of late night thoughts."

     "No, this is important. So, just listen to me okay? You don't have to respond or anything. I just want to explain myself to you." Naruto said, trying to make eye contact and failing. He didn't know exactly what he was going to say, but he knew he couldn't leave Sasuke to think he was playing with his feelings. Eventually, Sasuke nodded and looked over to the boy on his left.

     "I'm sorry if I make it seem like I don't like talking to you or spending time with you," he started and took a deep breath, "It's just that sometimes I don't know how to talk to you. I mean, you clearly really like me and I don't know exactly how I feel about you. I know you probably don't want to hear that, but I just don't know what my feelings for you are yet."

     "I see." Sasuke said, more focused on Naruto's last line rather than the assurance he was trying, and failing, to give before. He looked like he would fall apart at any second if Naruto didn't do something.

"No, you don't. I want to keep taking to you, hanging out, and fli-flirting. I just don't know how much I like you, but I do like you. I don't know if it's as a really good friend or if I want you to be my boyfriend." Naruto tried to explained, placing a hand on Sasuke's lower arm. "I just need time. I really like talking to you and stuff. I don't want to start anything unless I know it won't hurt you in the end. I just need to figure it out."

"I'm confused." Sasuke said, fully turning his body to face towards Naruto. What was he trying to say, he liked him but wouldn't date him? Isn't that just an excuse to keep the benefits without the commitment to plan things? "You say you like me, but you don't know if you like me? How the fuck does that work?" He asked with a lash of anger and bile in his tone.

"Kinda. I like you, but I don't know to what degree and I don't want to start doing stuff with you just to let you down a week in." Naruto said nervously, not really sure what he was trying to say either. "Like, I want to kiss you and hold your hand, but I don't know if I want the romance side." Sasuke obviously didn't like that answer, "That didn't come out right."

"Yeah, no fuck." Sasuke growled, retracting his arm away from Naruto's soft touch. "It sounds to me like you're trying to lead me on because you're too stupid to figure out your own feelings before acting on instinct." This time his voice sounded softer, and broken? Carefully, Sasuke reached to his side and picked up his bag while looking away at the ground. "Figure it out yourself, and then talk to me. I don't want to talk right now. Besides we're late to class."

     "Sasuke, wait." Naruto reached out for the boy's arm again but instead was left grasping at the air. Quickly, the Uchiha stormed out of the room with his things, making sure to not show Naruto the look on his face. He knew that the situation was probably being misread, but he couldn't help but feel hurt by Naruto's lack of romantic interest. As much as he liked the blond he wasn't interested in just being friends.

As Sasuke walked towards his next class he abruptly turned into the boys' bathroom as he realized he had started to cry in frustration. Once he got inside he darted into a stall to hide from anyone else who might enter. He felt like some girl in a teenage drama, except he wasn't. He was just some gay kid hiding from everything. His crush, his brother, his classmates.

"Fucking dumbass." He whispered to himself as he stood against the stall door sobbing. Why did Naruto have to be such an incompetent idiot?

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