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November 22nd

Bastard: How is your Saturday??

Bastard: I'm just chilling, eating tomatoes like a serial killer.

Naruto: Gross!!

Naruto: And pretty good, my uncle and I are watching a movie rn

Bastard: What movie?

Naruto: Some shitty live adaption of his first book

Bastard: That's pretty cool.

Naruto: I guess, it's pretty horny

Naruto: Too many sex scenes and the actors are pretty bad

Bastard: Yeah.

Naruto: What are you up to, besides eating the ickiest vegetable ever¿¿?

Bastard: Nothing, I'm kinda just chilling home alone.

Bastard: Hey, would you be interested in doing a phone call? Like later tonight. Not right now.

Naruto: OF COURSE!!!

Naruto: Let's say 9ish??!!

Bastard: Sounds great! I can't wait.  :)

Naruto: Who knows maybe I'll even recognize your voice, wouldn't that be cute

Bastard: Everything you do is cute. ;)

Naruto: Awww

Naruto: You're such a lovesick puppy

Naruto: Stinky, sarcastic, lovesick, just bastard man pup

Bastard: I'm not a dog.

Bastard: I'm also not so stinky.

Naruto: Do you're saying you are kinda stinky

Bastard: No!

Bastard: Besides, you're a crazy, blonde idiot man.

Naruto: I thought I was sunshine :'(

Naruto: Maybe you won't get a call tonight

Bastard: You know you can't resist me, blondie.

Naruto: Damn.

Bastard: Huh?

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