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November 19th

Bastard: How was your day blondie? Are you okay?

Bastard: Not to be rude, you just looked sad today

Naruto: It's nothing.

Bastard: Are you sure?

Bastard: I'm a good listener.

Naruto: It's not really news for you

Bastard: Are you sure

Naruto: Yeah.

Naruto: But How was your day???

Bastard: It was okay.

Bastard: I finished my homework early, so I have to do chores while I text you.

Naruto: You can go if you need to

Bastard: And leave behind my chance to flirt with a hottest dude from school, no thanks

Naruto: I'm not that hot

Naruto: Besides I think Uchiha has that spot claimed, I mean he literally has a fan club

Bastard: Do you think he's hot?

Naruto: He's too stuck up to be hot

Naruto: He used to sit by me in math last year and anytime I would look at him he would flip around like he was so much better than me.

Naruto: He's such a douchebag

Bastard: Yeah...

Bastard: Do I seem like a douchebag?

Naruto: No, you're more like a puppy. A dumb puppy

Bastard: Dumb?

Bastard: I'll take it.

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