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November 20th

Bastard: How is your day going so far, blondie?

Naruto: better than yesterday

Naruto: My friend Shikamaru helped me with my math quiz earlier today, and he's like a genius. So that'll be good for my grade.

Naruto: What about yours??¿

Bastard: Pretty good. We got our tests back in English and I got a good mark.

Naruto: What was the grade??

Bastard: 97% I only missed three, technically one question. It was a free response. I mixed up how it was worded and answered wrong.

Naruto: That's still a really good grade, I can't even get my scores higher than 90, at best

Bastard: I could send you my notes if you ever need help

Naruto: Or maybe you could be my tutor?? Bet you could teach me all sorts of things ;)

Bastard: Not really.

Naruto: Ooh, then I can teach you some stuff?!?

Bastard: If you can figure out who I am, then yes.

Bastard: Do you want your clue of the week btw?

Naruto: It's been a while week??

Naruto: And definitely yes!!

Bastard: Okay, clue #3 I sit on the opposite side of the cafeteria in the morning, and behind you at lunch.

Naruto: So if I look behind me now, you'll be there??

Bastard: Yep, somewhere.

Naruto: Sweet.

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