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November 21st
(mid morning)

Naru: How did things with Sasuke go this morning??

Bubblegum: Good, he put down his phone to talk to me, which he normally doesn't do for anyone.

Bubblegum: And he actually spoke back, which is sadly new for me

Naru: Who knows, maybe he likes you??

Bubblegum: Maybe, I don't want to get my hopes up though

Bubblegum: Not that I care much anymore :)

Naru: Really?!?

Bubblegum: Yeah, I think I only ever liked him because he's popular.

Bubblegum: And now I feel more comfortable as a person myself

Naru: Yeah, that's good

Bubblegum: What about you? Do have anyone you like??

Bubblegum: You never talk about crushes much, but...

Bubblegum: Maybe someone you seem to be texting anytime I talk to you might be one...

Naru: Maybe?? It's all so new

Bubblegum: Who is it??

Naru: That's the thing, I don't know. It's like this secret admirer thing

Naru: But maybe I like him, idk

Naru: It's hard to tell how he is irl

Naru: But he seems to genuinely like me

Bubblegum: You should definitely try to figure out who he is, maybe you could go to the winter formal together??

Bubblegum: Just don't mess it up, not that I think you will

Bubblegum: Just don't be a hot head

Bubblegum: Maybe we could even double date, my date♥︎ and I and you and yours

Naru: Maybe

Naru: Wait!! Do you already have a date?!?

Naru: Is that why you talked to Sasuke???

Bubblegum: Just saying, and no he's not my date.

Bubblegum: Do you have an idea who he might be??

Naru: I don't even have a clue, he's so mysterious. But like in an 'awww' way

Naru: He's been giving me hints, and we talk about ourselves a bit, but he doesn't let on of who he is

Bubblegum: Maybe I'll help you with some of these 'clues' when I see you at lunch


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