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November 19th

Bastard: What are you doing?

Naruto: Trying to sleep

Bastard: Sorry

Naruto: It's fine. What's up???

Bastard: I just wanted to talk to you. :( How rude.

Naruto: No, seriously, it's fine. I couldn't sleep anyway

Bastard: You sounded mad, are you okay?

Naruto: Yeah, just feeling kinda sucky rn

Bastard: Just cause, or did something cause it?

Naruto: My uncle is just a dick sometimes

Bastard: Do you want to talk about it?

Naruto: Not really.

Naruto: It's just anytime I think we finally understand each other he turns around and call me an idiot or something for stuff that ain't my fault.

Naruto: Like this morning he was mad that he had to drive me to school. Even though he offered to, and I was ready on time.

Bastard: Do you guys normally fight?

Naruto: Not that often, but it's still irritating.

Bastard: I understand what you mean.

Naruto: Anyway, what are you doing???

Bastard: Just eating some

Naruto: Like in a salad?!?! Or...

Bastard: Just a few slices.

Naruto: Alone? Like a serial killer?!?

Bastard: What? Tomatoes are delicious.

Bastard: The best food ever.

Naruto: They taste like gross water

Bastard: And what do you suppose is the best food?

Naruto: Obviously ramen, duh!

Bastard: I should have known, it's all you eat for lunch.

Naruto: Better than the school food

Bastard: That's true.

Naruto: What else is the 'best?'

Bastard: Like food wise, or anything?

Naruto: Anyhting

Bastard: You ;)

Naruto: No seriously, what do you like

Bastard: Um, running, literature, and art is pretty fun. But I don't really have time for anything but school work. The most free time I get is walking to the convenience store.

Naruto: And that is exactly why I don't do school work

Bastard: Is that also why you are doing terribly in all of your classes.

Naruto: Hey!!

Naruto: I have some decent grades

Bastard: Sure thing, sweetheart.

Naruto: okay, ~bastard~

Bastard: Maybe I shouldn't have told you to call me just anything. :/

Naruto: Too late, unless you want to tell me a preferred name

Bastard: Nah, bastard is fine.

Naruto: :)

Bastard: God, you're so cute.

Naruto: Thx

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