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November 24th
(mid morning)

Naruto walked into his third period class calmly, but nervous. He had AP bio with Gaara and Sasuke, two of his main suspects. And while he wouldn't admit it to himself he was almost sure that he knew who his secret admirer was. But half of the fun is in the chase, as they might say, who can remember.

     Across the room Sasuke played with his pencil, twirling it in his pale fingers repetitively as he glanced around the room. While he tried to play it cool over text the thought of being outed, even to someone he so bluntly liked, was terrifying. What if Naruto let it slip after he knew? The blond, while sweet, wasn't the best at keeping secrets. In fact he even accidentally told a few people about Ino being gay and by the next day it was huge news. Luckily, she had such a bold personality that she didn't freak out like Sasuke would.

Naruto spent the first twenty minutes of class glancing back between the red head and Sasuke. By that point Gaara was growing increasingly suspicious with the amount of side glances he was getting. He would see the blue eyes on him and flip around, while Sasuke on the other hand was returning the glances with his own personal glare. After the notes and instructions were fully covered, Tsunade, the biology teacher, gave the class a simple lab to work on for the remaining time.

Naruto worked on his class work the rest of the time, along with his partner Hinata, who was so silent that he forgot she was in the class half of the time. Quietly the room's chatter drones on until the bell rang. Gaara bolted out of class, not forgetting to slam the door on the person behind him. He didn't seem happy to be eye candy for Naruto.

As Sasuke was leaving, his fingers drumming on the strap to his bag, Naruto tried to hold him up at the doorway. To which Sasuke pushed him from his path. He couldn't have a confrontation, he had to get to his next class.

Naruto sighed, believing his mission for the class failed. He hadn't even gotten to ask either of the boys any questions, not to mention solving his personal mystery. Quietly he pouted on the way to his next class, which he had with Neji. But after asking Hinata last class he had been eliminated for not having any siblings. So, it was between the most popular dude in school, or the kid that couldn't stay out of fights.

     Fourth period rushed by for Naruto, until he received a text from his 'pretty boy' admirer.

Prettyboy: >:P

Prettyboy: How is the hunt going?

Naruto: Wouldn't you like to know

Naruto: I'll see you at lunch

Prettyboy: K.

     After the bell rang Naruto quickly gathered his thing and made his way to the cafeteria. First, he waited in line and got his lunch. And then he went to his table. Sakura and Ino were already at the table, giggling over what he assumed to be the latest gossip. Everyone else came from the other end of the school, so they would get there within due time.

     "Hey Sakura." She gave the blond a small smile before he waved at the blonde behind her. "Ino." The girl gave him a small nod of acknowledgement and the two continued their conversation. He begun to eat his lunch, in a hurry as he thought about the two opposing boys that might be his admirer. Surely he had to have missed some clue that could help him figure it all out.

     Quietly, he pulled out his phone to look back at his messages. But nothing seemed distinct enough to point directly at Gaara or Sasuke. And soon he was back up to the first text. About his 'cuteness' in the color orange and his birthday. And then Naruto remembered something, to which he had forgotten.

It was Friday, October 10th, and he was on his way to his regular spot at lunch when Sasuke almost ran into him. He thought it was just a simple thing at the time, but the taller boy had looked nervous. And before they parted he swore he heard Sasuke stutter out a happy birthday before he headed off to his table.

Frantically, Naruto started to cough on his school lunch before flipping his head to look behind him. "Naruto, are you okay?" He gave a small nod to Sakura and swung himself out of his seat, only to bump into Kiba. "Naruto! You need to watch where you're going. Be careful, okay?"

"Sorry," and with that Naruto started to rush over to where who he presumed to be his admirer sat. Before he made it there though, he remembered his phone call the other night. Sasuke wasn't out, and he couldn't put him st risk of ruining that. He couldn't make this into another Ino incident. So, he grabbed his phone and shot the other boy a text.

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