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November 26th
An: I may rewrite this chapter or highly edit it. I tried to write it super quickly so it would seem more panicked in the writing style, but it just seems out of character. If I do rewrite, I will let everyone know and republish it.

Bubblegum: Naruto!!!

Bubblegum: NARU!!!!!

Bubblegum: I need some advice

Naru: From me???

Naru: What about?? Are you okay?!!!

Bubblegum: Yes, I just may...well...

Bubblegum: I think I may have a crush on Ino...like a big one???

Naru: OMG

Naru: Why? When did this happen??

Bubblegum: She was just over at my house with her family, and all of this sudden I realized.

Bubblegum: That maybe I should marry her, and we could be family. Abd then we wouldn't have too spend our holidays apart ever, And then I was like, "Sakura, that's gay." And then I had this out of brain thing where I realized maybe I wanted to be around Ino too much for just being a friend.

Bubblegum: And then after they left I just kept running it through in my head and I think I've liked her since at least a middle school, when I got super jealous that she would flirt with Sasuke. So I convinced myself that it was because I like him. And that really explains why I after she came out all of the sudden my obsession with him is just liike gone?!! Like maybe Ive been deflecting allo of my feelings for her onto him?!

Bubblegum: Nad I don't know if I should tell her, or even if thiss is just some weirde thing that I'll realize isn't true by tomorrow

Bubblegum: I can t beeath

Naru: Okay,, slow down

Naru: Stop typing!!!

Naru: Everything will be okay, take some deep breaths first. That'll help a bit. You need to chill out first

Bubblegum: Alright

Naru: Good. Now I am going to ask you some questions.

Naru: So, you think you like your best friend, since middle school?

Bubblegum: Yes.

Naru: And now you're realizing all of the stuff that you've been convincing yourself of

Bubblegum: Are you not listening?!!

Naru: I am, I'm just trying to help you process it a bit.

Naru: And now you want advice on what to do about her?? Or do you wan the to help you figure it out??

Bubblegum: Both, I guess.

Naru: Okay, so

Naru: How much do you think you like Ino?? Like scale of 1-10

Naru: You said you want to marry her, realistically or just as a sweet daydream??

Bubblegum: Idk, I want to, but I also think that's too much. Like, maybe in the future.. this is too confusing.

Naru: it's okay to be confused, but you definitely like her. You aren't super tired or anything. Just thinking clearly??

Bubblegum: I think I am.

Naru: So, do you want to date her?? Like take her to the winter fling??

Bubblegum: Maybe... ?

Bubblegum: This all too big to think about stuff like that, like my whole life is a lie!!

Naru: It will be okay, it's not like you wanted it to be that way. It's just how things are sometimes, I promise everything will be okay

Naru: Just keep taking deep breaths

Naru: So, you like girls??

Naru: Or girl??

Bubblegum: What's the difference, Ino is a girl. And I doubt I could have liked her this long if I didn't like 'girls'...

Bubblegum: This is so confusing

Naru: Do you think you like any guys, or that you had that wrong too??

Bubblegum: I don't know...

Bubblegum: Like, what counts as liking?!?

Naru: Like, do you want to kiss them and stuff

Naru: Like enjoy it not just push through or sit there??

Bubblegum: I'm not sure, I've never kissed anyone besides you, and that was only because of a dare.

Naruto: So lets just assume probably not(?) for now.

Bubblegum: Bur what if I do, and i just don't know because all I can think about rn is how stupid I was

Naru: You are not stupid!!!

Naru: And if you did that's okay.

Naru: I like both, and you can too or not. But you know you like Ino, at the very least. So let's start there again

Bubblegum: Why though?!!

Naru: Because it's what you know, so there's no point in over stressing stuff you'll figure out eventually. And I'm better at dating advice than an identity crisis

Naru: So, do you think you want to get over her, or maybe try to see if she likes you back??

Bubblegum: Likes me back I guess...

Bubblegum: But, what if that just messes everything up

Naru: It's Ino, you've known her your whole life. She'll definitely stick by you no matter what, maybe even as you gf. You guys have been friends for so long that there is no way that anything can mess stuff up

Bubblegum: I guess you're probably right, but still.

Bubblegum: If I had to pick though date, if what you say is true

Naru: Great! Then ask her out, I could even help you plan something

Naru: I'm sure she'll say yes.

Naru: I have to drive my uncle home now, but at least think about it.

Bubblegum: Okay. Ily

Naru: Love you too :)

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